Assignment of Non-Urgent Activities

When choosing the for activities that correspond with {filter} option, you must select that filter based on which Routing will identify activities to assign immediately.

The drop-down list contains all activity filters applicable for routing which have been created on the Filters screen. When you create an activity matching the selected filter in the bucket, Routing immediately assigns it to an appropriate resource. However, unlike urgent activities, Routing assigns a non-urgent activity to an available time slot (no constraints of other activities will be violated) and only when it causes no overtime to the resource. A Routing profile may contain several routing plans designed to assign non-urgent activities immediately. Such plans may be based on different activity filters, so that activities meeting the criteria of several filters are assigned immediately after creation.

If the All option is selected from the filter list, all activities appearing in the bucket will be assigned immediately.

Non-urgent activity assignment observes the following constraints:
  • Work zone—the resource's work zone must match that of the activity.

  • Work skills—the resource's work skills must match the work skills required by the activity.

  • Resource preference—the activity may be assigned with preference to preferred or only to required resources, if specified.

  • Service Window—the activity service window should be observed. Note that schedule date is not observed thus, the activity may be scheduled to any date within the routing period.

  • SLA start—the SLA start of the activity should be observed.

  • SLA end—the SLA end of the activity should be observed.

  • Required inventory - the activity may be assigned only to those resources that have enough inventory to handle the activity, if specified.

Note: Immediate routing supports segmentable activities only if they are non-urgent activities.

When Routing is set to assign non-urgent activities, it does not perform route optimization. The goal is to assign all activities as soon as possible. The next scheduled routing run may reoptimize the routes created as the result of immediate assignment according to its settings.