Reading the Autorouting Block

The Autorouting block shows the efficiency of automatic Routing in percentage. The Autorouting block includes both scheduled activities for the date selected and non-scheduled activities that were routed but not necessarily by the date selected.

The Autorouting efficiency is calculated as the ratio of the number of autorouted activities to the total number of routed activities (both automatically and manually). This statistics takes into account the number of operations resulting in 'meaningful' changes to the activity routing, that is, changes to the date of the route or the resource to whose route the activity has been assigned. Operations bringing no changes to the activity date or resource to which the activity is assigned, are ignored. Similarly, reverse operations resulting in no change to the initial activity assignment are ignored, as well.

The figures shown in the Autorouting block are aggregated results of all resources in the selected bucket and its child buckets, if any. If no activities were routed manually, the Autorouting efficiency is 100%. The Autorouting drop-down menu contains the following data:

  • Manually processed: Displays the number of manually routed activities

  • By Dispatcher / By Resource: Allows viewing the number of manual operations performed by the dispatcher or by the resource. This section contains the breakdown of manual operations in the following types:

    • Assigned: Activities moved from the bucket to resources' routes

    • Reassigned: Activities moved between resources

    • Unassigned: Activities moved from resources' routes to the bucket

    • Reordered: Activities moved to a different position in the route. The Reordered category is not available in manually processed By Resource column

  • Total amount of manually processed activities {number} (of {number})