Support for Neutral Language

Routing now supports neutral language use. Both user interface and documentation use neutral language.

This table lists the user interface changes that have been made for neutral language support:

Term Renamed Term
Routing Execution tab List of Routing Runs
Execution Summary Block Routing Run Summary
Execute Routing Plan Run Routing Plan
Sequential Routing Plan Execution Run of Sequential Routing Plan
Immediate Routing Plan Execution Run of Immediate Routing Plan
Execution Summary Routing Summary
Resource can execute activities Resource can start activities
No Routing runs have been executed yet. No routing runs have been done yet.
Routing execution log ID Routing run ID
Execution order Run order
Execution order value cannot be applied as chosen plan already has successor. Please choose another execution order plan. The selected order cannot be applied as chosen plan already has a successor. Please select another plan.
This resource cannot execute activities This resource cannot start activities
SLA is penalized, but late execution within SLA window is preferred Scheduling activity start after the end of the activity's SLA window is penalized, but if within the SLA window, then it is preferred to place the activity close to the end of the activity's SLA window
Execution after SLA End is penalized with shortened aging period Scheduling activity start after the activity SLA window end is penalized with shortened aging period
Execution Summary Routing Run Summary
Routing Execution Errors Routing Activity Assignment Errors
Routing Plan Execution: Result Routing Plan Run: Result
Routing Plan Execution: Type Routing Plan Run: Type

The Cannot start routing error message now displays the reason why routing run cannot start:

  • Cannot start routing: System is busy. Please try later.
  • Cannot start routing: Feature 'Routing' is disabled.
  • Cannot start routing: The routing plan is taking part in running sequence. Please try later.