Routing Results Optimization Through Routing Run Data Analysis

You can analyze the routing run data to optimize the routing results.

To optimize the routing parameter, export the Routing Runs Result Data into Oracle Analytics or any other analytical tool. Then calculate the total of every notAssigned* field (see table below) and choose one to three main reasons, for which the sum of corresponding error category is maximal.

After this is done, see the table below for the possible corrective actions.

We recommend to perform this analysis on a bucket-by-bucket basis, as the situation may differ slightly due to geographical differences or lines of business.

Category Routing Error Numbers Event Field Name Description Corrective actions
Configuration / Data validation errors 6005, 6015, 6023, 6076 notAssignedDueToValidationIssuesCount Customer should never see this error message under normal circumstances. N/A
Reasons related to Dynamic mode of routing 6000 notAssignedDueToDynamicModeRestrictionsCount Reconsider Dynamic mode settings in routing
Reasons related to the Configuration of an activity 6056, 6057, 6061, 6090 notAssignedDueToActivityConfigurationCount Activity doesn't have work zones or work skills; activity type is not configured for routing; activity links don't supported by chosen routing type Revise the specific activity configuration
Reasons related to the Configuration of resources 6073 notAssignedDueToResourcesConfigurationCount Resources do not have active users Revise the specific resource configuration
Reasons related to routing plan cost settings 6017, 6018 notAssignedDueToCostSettingsCount Routing plan settings do not correspond to resource costs Revise balance of the following costs:
Reasons related for travel existence and restrictions 6010, 6024, 6025 notAssignedDueToTravelRestrictionsCount Activities cannot be assigned as routing either unable to calculate travel or calculated travel is bigger then the limit set at the routing plan level Revise the following:
  • Activity non-assignment cost
  • Activity overdue penalty
  • Resource working hours cost
  • Resource overtime cost
  • Resource travel cost
  • Coordinates availability for activities and resource locations;
  • Travel keys availability for activities and resource locations;
  • Routing plan settings for unacceptable travel time and distance.

In addition, check if your routing plan includes SLR and processes more then 6000 activities and/or 600 providers. If yes, consider splitting it into several routing runs using more precise filters.

Reasons related to the constraint violation 6003, 6008, 6011, 6013, 6020, 6028, 6063, 6067, 6068, 6069, 6070, 6071, 6072, 6077, 6078, 20188 notAssignedNeedsManualAssignmentCount Activity cannot be assigned due to all possible providers miss needed work zone, work skill, inventory or points, don't have active calendars, do not fit the activity preferences or activity link constraints. Assign activities manually with relaxed constraints
Reasons related to the not enough time in routes to place activities into 6007, 6009, 6016, 6019, 6021, 6022, 6079 notAssignedNeedsOvertimeOverdueRulesRelaxationCount There are too many activities for the same time slot or too less time left in the routes for resources, capable of doing most of the activities.
  • Check the average idle time (see averageDowntime for details). If it is big enough - check if the resource configuration as of work zones, work skills and time slots corresponds to existing activities.
  • Relax routing plan settings as of on overdue/overtime for the routing plan;
  • Assign activities manually with relaxed constraints;
  • It may also be a good idea to check quota/booking configuration to reduce overbooking of activities.
Reasons related to not routing of particular activities segments 6027 partiallyAssignedSegmentableActivitiesCount Some segments were routed, but others are not due to routing plan settings and/or activity type configuration Revise minimum and maximum segment size for the given segmentable activity type;Increase routing plan days interval for multi-day routing plan interval.
The assignment is impossible due to changes that happened while routing was running 6050, 6051, 6052, 6054, 6055, 6058, 6059 notAssignedDueToChangesWhileRoutingWasRunningCount Manual changes during routing run made assignment impossible. N/A
Reasons related to optimization goals 6064 notAssignedDueToOptimizationCriteriaCount The optimization threshold is higher then what was routing able to achieve. Revise the optimization thresholds
Reasons related to routing plan schedule 6091 resourceBlockedDueToRoutingScheduleCount It is responsibility of a person setting up routing to create such a schedule so routing plans using the same resource would not run within the same time period. Reconsider routing plans schedule so routing plans using the same resources do not intersect.
Other issues all others notAssignedOtherIssuesCount N/A N/A