Set Up Routing Profiles and Plans

You can create or modify a custom routing profile or plan.

Routing Plan

Routing plans define the optimization strategies for a company. A company may have several strategies such as:
  • a strategy for customer facing activities and employees

  • a strategy for internal maintenance activities and employees (if the organizations are managed separately)

  • a strategy for morning time, for noon, and for after hours (for example, the morning strategy prioritizes the travel optimization most, noon prioritizes activities that are older then 3 days, after hours works with VIP customers activities, or highest priority problems only)

  • a strategy for weekdays

  • a strategy for weekends (weekends have a different number of field employees, different service layer agreements, which can be similar to morning but running morning, noon, and after hours)

Routing Profile

A routing profile is a group of all the required routing plans. A routing profile can be assigned to many buckets, so that the customer need not copy the plans for each bucket, and only the plans that are from the assigned profiles are available for the bucket. This ensures that the strategies for different buckets, related to different lines of business or regions are not mixed with other buckets. To run routing on a bucket, you must have a non-empty routing profile assigned to the bucket.

How Access Schedule Impacts Routing

Generally no work is done beyond the hours defined by the Access Schedule. Therefore, routing plans including urgent, immediate, and bulk routing will not schedule activities outside of the Access Schedule. The only exception is when the activity is manually scheduled to be performed beyond Access Hours. In this case, routing ignores the access hours and uses the service window for routing activities.

If a Service Window is configured for an activity with Access Hours then the Access Hours will be not be used for routing assignment. The Service Window will override the provided Access Hours.