Activate and Deactivate Routing Profiles

Active routing profiles are used to route activities to resources. Inactive routing profiles are not used. You deactivate a routing profile if you want to save it for future use, but you don’t want to use it right now.

To activate (or deactivate) a routing profile:

  1. Navigate to the Routing Profiles screen.
  2. Find the row for the routing profile that you want to activate or deactivate and click Modify.

    The Modify routing profile dialog box displays.

  3. Select or clear the Active check box to activate or deactivate the profile respectively.
  4. Click Update.


You may filter the active and inactive routing profiles and plans using the View menu button on the Routing Profiles screen. This button has these options:

  • All clears the filtering and shows all plans and profiles;
  • Active shows all the active routing plans and profiles along with active plans that belongs to inactive profiles;
  • Inactive shows all the inactive routing plans and profiles along with inactive plans that belongs to active profiles.