Link a Segmentable Activity With Another Segmentable Activity

You can link a segmentable activity with another segmentable activity using the same link types that you use to link a regular activity with a segmentable activity.

Follow these steps to route a linked segmentable activity.

  1. Run the multiday routing plan where the segmentable activities fit to the filters.
  2. Set a Bulk routing plan running for a scheduled time to cover all the linked segmentable activities that you want to route.
    Note: Only Bulk routing supports routing linked segmentable activities. Immediate routing ignores all segmentable activities that have links.


Supported Link Types and Constraints

Here are the link types and constraints supported for links between segmentable activities:

  • Simultaneous (Segmentable and Segmentable activities): no constraints available
  • Segmentable activity Finish to Segmentable activity Start:
    • Same Day: earliest (as of calendar means) segment of a latter activity should start the same day as the latest (as of calendar means) segment of former activity finishes
    • Same Provider: all segments of latter activity should be done by the same resource(s) participated in doing of any segment of former one
    • Different Providers: all segments of latter activity should be done by the different resource(s) then participated in doing of any segment of former one
  • Segmentable activity Start to Segmentable activity Start:
    • Different Providers: all segments of latter activity should be done by the different resource(s) then participated in doing of any segment of former one
    • If you try to add unsupported activity link type and/or constraint, a warning is displayed and no link is added.
  • For Segmentable Activity Finish linked to Segmentable Activity Start:
    • Same Day: earliest (as of calendar means) segment of a latter activity should start the same day as the latest (as of calendar means) segment of former activity finishes
    • Same Provider: all segments of latter activity should be done by the same resource(s) participated in doing of any segment of former one
    • Different Day: An activity that needs technical break between - first segment of a latter activity should start at least a day after the last segment of the former activity finishes
    • Different Providers: all segments of latter activity should be done by the different resource(s) then participated in doing of any segment of former one
  • For Segmentable Activity Start linked to Regular Activity Start (or vice versa):
    • Different Providers: all segments of latter activity should be done by the different resource(s) then participated in doing of any segment of former one