Built-in Calculations

  • Opening Balance

    Opening balance is calculated from the prior period's Closing Balance. Opening Balance of First Period of the year is retrieved from the Last Period of the Prior Year's Closing Balance.

    The Opening Balance Adjustment is translated at the same effective rate as the Closing Balance from which the Opening Balance is carried forward. The Closing Balance for Historical accounts is effectively a weighted average of the rates applied to all of the past movements.

    The Effective Rate equals the Parent Currency Closing Balance from the prior period divided by the Entity Currency Closing Balance from the prior period. Note that this effective rate must be calculated on an account-by-account basis because the ratios will differ.

    This translation applies to all Historical accounts and to any Historical Rate Override accounts for which an override rate has not been entered, and to any Historical Amount Override accounts for which an override amount has not been entered.

    The method of the translation calculation is based on the method set as the Default Translation settings for the Flow type (either Flow or Balance). The method is either Periodic or Year-to-Date. If the default translation method is Periodic, the translation calculation applies the Periodic entity currency amount against the effective rate and writes to the Periodic translated cell. If the default translation method is Year-to-Date, the translation applies the Year-to-Date entity currency amount against the effective rate from the last period of the last year, then subtracts the Year-to-Date translated amount of the prior period and writes the result to the Periodic translated cell. For Year-to-Date translation, if there is no Entity Currency value in Periodic, then the translation is skipped.

    The prior period from which the effective rate is calculated also takes into account any Opening Balance Carry Forward overrides. If the Opening Balance for the current year Budget scenario is carried forward from the Actual scenario, then the effective rate is calculated from the Actual scenario.

    The translation of Opening Balance Adjustments based on the calculated effective rate requires that Entity currency and Parent currency Closing Balance data exists in the prior period. If Entity currency and Parent currency Closing Balance data does not exist in the prior period, then the Ending Rate for the prior period is used. If neither Closing Balance data nor Ending Rate data exists, then no translation is carried out.

    For Historical Rate Override or Historical Amount Override accounts, if an override has been entered, the override rate is used before reverting to the effective rate, then Ending rate and then no translation.

    Due to the cumulative nature of some translation calculations, it is recommended that any translation to a Reporting Currency that is neither an entity's Entity currency or Parent currency be executed from the first period of the year.

  • Opening Balance for Periodic View

    For the First period of the year, Opening (translated) = Closing (translated) of Last period of Prior year.

    For any subsequent periods, Opening (translated) = Closing (translated) of Prior period of current year.

  • Opening Balance for YTD View

    Opening (translated) = Closing (translated) of Last period of Prior Year.

    Total Opening (translated) = Closing (translated) of Last period of Prior Year plus year-to-date current year Opening Balance Adjustments.

  • Opening Balance for Retained Earnings Prior

    Opening Balance for Retained Earnings Prior is the Closing Balance of Total Retained Earnings from the end of the Prior Year for the first period of the year, for the YTD member of each period of the year, and for the QTD member for the first quarter.

    For all other views and periods in the year, the Opening Balance is pulled from the Closing balance of Retained Earnings Prior of the previous period for periodic and quarter for QTD.

    For example, for the Periodic View:

    • Opening Balance January = Closing Balance of the last period of the prior year

    • Opening Balance February through December = Closing Balance of the prior period of the current year

    For Income Statement accounts, the Closing Balance at year-end is transferred to the Retained Earnings Prior account. This is carried out by carrying forward the Closing Balance of the Retained Earnings (Total) to Retained Earnings Prior.

    From period to period other than over the year-end, the Closing Balance is carried forward to the Opening Balance of the next period. However, the Closing Balance of the Income Statement parent account is carried forward to the "Retained Earnings Current - Opening Balance - FX - CTA" (FCCS_REC OBFXCTA) account.

  • Closing Balance

    Closing Balance is always an aggregated total where Closing Balance = Total Opening Balance + Movements Subtotal + FX Variance and CTA Adjustment.

  • Movements

    The details of movements are stored in separate members as needed and all movements are translated based on the global translation default settings of method and rate account.

  • FX Variance Calculations

    Exchange differences are calculated by calculating the translation of the opening balance and movement source data at Ending Rate and comparing to the actual translated opening balance and movement values.


    Do not perform FX calculations on Net Income Level 0 members.
  • Historical Accounts

    If an override amount or override rate is entered for a historical account, the override entry is applied to the translation. Otherwise, the account is translated using the application default method and rate.

  • FCCS_Days Sales In Receivables and FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory

    The following table shows where data is stored for FCCS_Days Sales In Receivables and FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory. Both of these seeded calculations are calculated at the following POV. Note that the table has the POV of Calculations. The other column shows options for reporting. Intercompany and Custom dimensions must be displayed at the "No" members.

    Table 11-12 Seeded Calculations for FCCS_Days Sales In Receivables and FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory

    Dimension Calculated POV Optional POV
    Scenario All  
    Year All  
    Period All  
    View All  
    Entity All where data exists  
    Consolidation Entity Input, Entity Consolidation Entity Total
    Currency Entity Currency, Parent Currency, Reporting Currencies  

    FCCS_Days Sales In Receivables

    FCCS_Days Sales In Inventory

    Intercompany No Intercompany  
    Movement No Movement Total Movement
    Data Source No Data Source Total Data Source
    Multi-GAAP Local GAAP, FCCS_Adjustments IFRS (other parent members)
    Custom No Custom