Adding Attachments

If you have an attachment you want to include with your task, such as a Word file, Excel spreadsheet or other document, you can use one of the following methods to attach the document to the task. You can attach multiple items at the same time. When you click OK, the system uploads all the documents that you attached.

To add an attachment to a task:

  1. On the Home page, click Tasks, and then click Scheduled Tasks iconSchedule Tasks.
  2. Select a task.
  3. Select the Comments tabComments tab.
  4. Click the Add Attachment icon Attachment icon to open the Add Attachment dialog box.
  5. Select one of the following options to attach the document:
    • Browse to the location of the document.
    • Drag and drop the document directly from your local directory.
  6. Optional: Rename the document.
  7. Click OK.