Applying a Holiday Rule to a Schedule Template

After you create a holiday rule and apply it to an organizational unit, you can apply the organizational unit to a schedule template.

To apply a holiday rule:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
  2. Click the Templates icon Templates tab on the left.
  3. Select a template, click the Templates iconActions icon to the right of the template, and then select Create Schedule.
  4. For Schedule Parameters, specify the Schedule, Year, Period, and Day Zero Date.
  5. Under Date Mapping, click Advanced Configuration.
  6. For Organizational Unit, select Use Task Value or Set Value To. For Set Value To, click the Search icon Search icon to select an organizational unit.
  7. Select the organizational unit that you created or edited that contains the holiday rule and click OK.
  8. Click OK.
    The Schedule Parameters Date Mapping now shows the holiday.