Creating Schedules from Templates

You can create schedules from templates. Creating a schedule from a template populates the schedule with the tasks in the template. If the source template has embedded templates, the tasks in the embedded templates are included. Template instructions, viewers, and attributes are also added to the schedule.

You create schedules from templates from the Edit Templates dialog box. The Last Schedule column shows the last schedule created from each template. The Schedules column shows the total number of schedules created from each template.

To create a schedule from a template, you must have the Service Administrator or Power User role.

You can use REST API to create Task Schedules from Templates. This will allow you to create an automated routine to generate all of your periodic task schedules. For more information, see Deploy Task Manager Templates in REST API for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

The schedule starts in a Pending status, which gives you the opportunity to make final changes in the definition.

When template tasks are added from a template to a schedule, they are assigned calendar dates based on their relationship to the template Day Zero. The dates can also account for non-working days of the schedule if you specified them. For example, if Day 0 is a Friday, the tasks for Day 1 are placed on the following Monday if you selected to exclude weekend days. The Date Map displays the default calendar date assigned to each template day. You can use the Date Map feature to adjust the date assignments.

A task in one template can have predecessor tasks in other templates. When you create a schedule from a template, you can select predecessor tasks in schedules as predecessors for tasks with predecessors in other templates. You use the Predecessor Task Links tab to select predecessor tasks in schedules. The Predecessor Task Links tab lists all tasks with predecessors in other templates, and enables you to select a predecessor in a schedule for these tasks.


When you create a schedule from a template, you can globally update the task parameters for a Task Type if the parameters have the override option enabled. See Setting Task Type Parameters.

To create a schedule from a template:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
  2. Click the Templates tab on the left.
  3. Select the template that you want to schedule.
  4. If the template was successfully validated, create the schedule. Click the Actions icon Ellipsis action icon on the right side, and then select Create Schedule, or click the Create Schedule icon above the listing.

    On the Schedule Parameters tab, enter the following fields:

    • Schedule: The name of the schedule.

    • Year: Select the schedule year.

    • Period: Select a period for the schedule.

    • Day Zero Date: Select the calendar date to assign to the template Day Zero.

    • Date Mapping:

      • Organizational Unit

      • Calendar days

      • Working days

      • Advanced Configuration dialog box:

        Click Advanced Configuration to override the Organizational Unit and Work Days configuration for all tasks in the schedule.


        You can create one global template and have that template create the proper schedules for each regional entity, taking into consideration the holiday calendars, time zones, and work day configurations of the entity.

        • Organizational Unit

          Select one:

          • Use Task Value: Select a value from the Organizational Unit

          • Set Value To: The selected organizational unit is applied to all tasks in the Schedule (even if the task in the template contained a different Organizational Unit value). Since all tasks have the same Organizational Unit, the Organizational Unit in the Date Mapping panel on the Schedule from Template dialog box displays as Read Only.

        • Work Days: If you do not assign an organizational unit to a task, and you do not use the Override Work Days feature, than the application uses the following default: Monday – Friday are working days, and Saturday and Sunday are non-working days.

      • Date Map: For each template day whose date assignment you want to modify, in the Date column, enter the new date.


        Day Labels are applied to the dates within the Date Mapping. That is, whatever the template day level is, the same will be applied to the schedule for the dates that were mapped.

        Day mapping may vary by Organization Unit within the Date Mapping. If there is no Organization Unit assigned to the template level, the "Unassigned" day mapping will be applied to the schedule. If the template has an Organization Unit assigned, then the day mappings for that Organization Unit will be assigned to the schedule.

        For multiple days mapped to the same date, the day labels will be concatenated with comma. Non-working days will have a blank day label.

        The Organization Unit drop-down list is used for Date Mapping. It contains only Unassigned and Organization Units related to the template.

        The Org Unit dropdown list in Create Schedule dialog is for date mappings, not for the Organization Unit of the created schedule. It only contains the Unassigned and the Organization Unit related to the template.

  5. Optional: Select the Predecessor Task Links tab, select the schedule that contains the predecessor task and in the Assigned Task list, select the predecessor task.
  6. Optional: Select the Override Parameters tab, review the parameters, and for each parameter that you want to modify, in the New Value column, enter a new value.


    The Override Parameters tab displays only tasks that use a Task Type in which at least one parameter has the Override option enabled.

  7. Click Create Schedule.

    A schedule is created and populated with the tasks, instructions and viewers from the template. It has a status of Pending. By default the schedule is opened into a view when created.

    Review the schedule and make adjustments as needed.