Investment Rule-Set

The Investment rule-set consists of two rules/journal detail lines.

This rule-set transfers current period Investments to Goodwill for all Intercompany partners representing siblings. The Goodwill entry will offset with the elimination of Owner's Equity from the partner, leaving a net Goodwill value (if any).

Data posted to the Investment in Subsidiaries ("FCCS_Investment in Sub") account must include an Intercompany partner representing the company in which the investment is held in order for this rule to execute. The account can be set as an "Intercompany" account through metadata maintenance but no "plug" account should be selected. If a "plug" account is entered to the Investment in Subsidiaries account, then both the Standard Eliminations and Investment rule will execute, doubling the elimination.

Table 18-8 Investment (Rule-set)

Entry Description
Condition( (Entity Current Method = Holding Or Entity Current Method = Subsidiary Or Entity Current Method = Proportional And FCCS_Total Data Source < > 0 And Intercompany Consolidation > 0 Or Intercompany Consolidation % Change < > 0 Or Partner Current Method = Equity)
Factor Current \ Entity Consolidation %
Dimension Source POV
Account "FCCS_Investment in Sub"
Intercompany #Any partner that is a descendant of the current parent#
Movement Base of "FCCS_ClosingBalance" Excluding "FCCS_OpeningBalance"
Data Source Base of "FCCS_TotalDataSource"

Table 18-9 Investment - Reverse Proportionalize (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member
Condition inherited  
Factor inherited  
Processing Option Subtract  
Dimension Source POV  
Account inherited  
Intercompany inherited  
Movement inherited  
Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations"

Table 18-10 Investment - Goodwill Offset (Rule)

Entry Description Redirect Target Member
Condition inherited  
Factor inherited  
Processing Option



Source POV

Account inherited "FCCS_Goodwill Offset"
Intercompany inherited  
Movement inherited

IF: "FCCS_Total Movements" > "FCCS_Total Data Source" > 0

THEN: "FCCS_Mvmt_Acquisition_Input"

ELSE: "FCCS_Mvmt Disposal_Input"

Data Source inherited "FCCS_Intercompany Eliminations"