Converting Dashboard 1.0 Dashboards to 2.0

Learn how to convert Dashboard 1.0 dashboards to Dashboard 2.0 dashboards.

If your application currently uses Dashboard 1.0, you can convert them to Dashboard 2.0.

You convert dashboards on the Dashboards listing page at the individual dashboard level or at the folder level. For example, if you wish to convert all dashboards in the application from 1.0 to 2.0, you can select the top level Library folder and convert them all.


  • After converting to Dashboard 2.0, you cannot convert your dashboards back to Dashboard 1.0.

  • The conversion process does not change the dashboard names. Navigation flows will still work as they did before the conversion.

  • After converting to Dashboard 2.0, dynamic POVs are displayed first instead of fixed POVs.

To convert Dashboard 1.0 to Dashboard 2.0:

  1. On the Home page, click Dashboards.

  2. Navigate to the folder or to the individual Dashboard 1.0 dashboard that you'd like to convert, then select from the following options:

    • To convert an individual dashboard, click Actions icon to the right of the dashboard, and then select Convert to Dashboards 2.0.

    • To convert all dashboards within a folder, click Actions icon to the right of the folder, and then select Convert All Dashboards to 2.0.


  • Very old dashboards might include a dashboard definition with a component width value that is no longer supported. This could result in an unexpected dashboard rendering after converting an old dashboard to Dashboard 2.0.

    To resolve this issue, we recommend any of the following workarounds:

    • Open the original dashboard in Dashboard (1.0), edit the dashboard, and then save it. The dashboard will be automatically saved with the corrected component width values, and then it can be converted to Dashboard 2.0.

    • Create a new dashboard in Dashboard (1.0) with the same set of forms and charts and the same settings, then convert the dashboard to Dashboard 2.0.

    • Create a new dashboard in Dashboard 2.0 with the same artifacts and settings.

  • Dashboards containing master forms and details that were converted to Dashboard 2.0 prior to the 23.11 update might display two Apply Context menu options in a grid's context menu. This issue was fixed in 23.11.