Clearing Data
You can clear data for selected entities from a specific Scenario, Year, and period or range of periods. You cannot clear data for a locked entity.
To clear data, you must be a Service Administrator with Write access to the data.
You can clear these types of data:
Regular Data (including journals)
Override Data— rates and amounts entered on the Override Rates form for historical rate override accounts
Rate Data— data for global currency rates
After the Clear process, the Calculation Status of the entities changes to Impacted. You must run consolidation to update the values. The status of a parent entity also changes to Impacted if you clear data of its children. The system does not include entities with NoData as part of the Clear process.
Selecting Members
You must select members for Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, Data Source, and Consolidation.
You can optionally select members for the Account, Movement, Intercompany, Multi-GAAP and Custom dimensions. If you do not select members for these dimensions, all Level 0 members are included.
The "View - Periodic" member is fixed and not available for selection in the Clear Data process.
The Member Selection also allows you to use Substitution and User variables.
Data Source Members
To clear data with Journal detail, select the "Journal Input" member for Data Source. The system unposts the posted journal. It does not delete the supporting unposted journal. If you want to later remove the unposted journal, you can do so manually.
If you select the "Supplemental Data" member for Data Source, any data posted from a Supplemental Data form reverts to an Unposted status.
The seeded Data Source member "FCCS_No Data Source " stores system values in addition to
custom values, so the data block is not cleared as part of the Clear Data process.
When you select "FCCS_No Data Source " as the Data Source member, after the
Clear Data intersection containing "FCCS_No Data Source " is executed, it is
recommended that you also execute the ClearEmptyBlocks
rule on the
specified Scenario, Year, and Period.
Consolidation Members
If you selected Regular Data for the type of data to be cleared, Consolidation member selection is required.
For the Source member, you can select one or more of these members:
"FCCS_Entity Input" (default)
"FCCS_Parent Input" (if enabled in the application). If selected, you must specify the Parent.Child information in the Entity selection.
"FCCS_Contribution Input" (if enabled in the application). If selected, you must specify the Parent.Child information in the Entity selection.
"FCCS_Translated Currency Input" (if enabled in the application)
The Target member is always the same as the Source member, it cannot be redirected. In the Target column, the member is display-only and you cannot edit it.
Data is entered into "FCCS_Translated Currency Input" through journal posting, therefore the same process is applied as when you select the "Journal Input" member for Data Source. The system unposts the posted journal. It does not delete the supporting unposted journal. If you want to later remove the unposted journal, you can do so manually.
Currency Members
The Currency dimension is automatically set to the proper value based on the selected Consolidation member.
Table 5-7 Consolidation Member and Corresponding Currency Member
Consolidation Member | Default Currency Member |
FCCS_Entity Input |
Entity Currency |
FCCS_Translated Currency Input |
Input currency as per Data Source selected |
FCCS_Parent Input |
Parent Currency |
FCCS_Contribution Input |
Parent Currency |
Clear Data Profile
After you select members for the Clear Data process, you can save them as a Clear Data Profile. This enables you to later retrieve the information for the Clear Data process without needing to make member selections again. See Using Clear Data Profiles.
To clear data: