Setting Dimension Properties

Table 12-4 Dimension Properties

Property Value


Enter a dimension name.


Optional: Enter a description.


Optional: Select an alias table and enter an alternate name of up to 80 characters.

Plan Type

Select application types for which the dimension is valid.

Apply Security

Allow security to be set on dimension members. If you do not select this option, there is no security on the dimension, and users can access its members without restriction. Must be selected before assigning access rights to dimension members.

Data Storage

Select data storage options:

  • Store

  • Dynamic Calc

  • Never Share

  • Shared

  • Label Only

Display Option

Set application default display options for the Member Selection dialog box. Select Member Name or Alias to display members or aliases. Member Name:Alias displays members on the left and aliases on the right. Alias:Member Name displays aliases on the left and members on the right.

Enable custom attribute display

Display available and selected attributes for dimensions with associated attributes. Enable custom attribute display for dimensions with attributes.