Editing Scenarios

To modify scenarios:

  1. Click the Navigator icon Navigator icon.
  2. Under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
  3. For Dimension, select Scenario.
  4. Select the scenario to edit.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Optional: For Scenario, enter a name.
  7. Optional: For Description, enter a description.
  8. For Start Yr., Start Period, End Yr., and End Period, select the time period to associate with the scenario.
  9. Optional: For Exchange Rate Table, select an exchange rate table to associate with the scenario.

    If an application uses multiple currencies, associate a scenario with an exchange rate table to enable currency conversion.

  10. Optional: For Alias, select an alias table to associate with the scenario, and enter the description.
  11. Optional: Select Enabled for Process Management to use this scenario in approvals.
  12. Click Save.