Example: Anchor and Nonanchor Dimensions

The choice of the anchor dimension is critical. Consider the following example, which produces a different result based on the anchor dimension definition:

  • Valid intersection group 1 defines Entity as the anchor dimension and Product as a nonanchor dimension.

  • Valid intersection group 2 reverses this definition with Product as the anchor dimension and Entity as the nonanchor dimension.

    Table 16-1 Example - Anchor Dimension is Entity

    Valid Intersection Group Anchor Dimension - Entity Nonanchor Dimension - Product
    1 DESC(500-Manufacturing) - Unselected members are valid DESC(P_TP1 - Computer Equipment)

Group 1 means entities that are descendants of Manufacturing are valid only with descendant products of Computer Equipment. No other products are valid with descendants of Manufacturing. All other entities besides descendants of Manufacturing are valid with all products, including descendants of Computer Equipment.

Table 16-2 Example - Anchor Dimension is Product

Valid Intersection Group Anchor Dimension - Product Nonanchor Dimension - Entity
2 DESC(P_TP1 - Computer Equipment) - Unselected members are valid DESC(500-Manufacturing)

Group 2 means products that are descendants of Computer Equipment are only valid with descendant entities of Manufacturing. No other entities are valid with descendants of Computer Equipment. All other products besides descendants of Computer Equipment are valid with all entities, including descendants of Manufacturing.


The choice of anchor dimension is significant. You will get dramatically different results if you choose the wrong anchor dimension.