Focusing Your Editing

Use zoom in, zoom out, keep selected, remove selected, and freeze to focus your editing while working in the Edit Member Properties grid.

To perform these operations while viewing the Edit Member Properties grid:

  1. View Edit Member Properties.
  2. To focus your editing on specific members in the grid, select a member, and then click one of the following zoom operations:
    • Zoom in options:

      • Zoom in next level: Zoom in Next level displays all members one level below the selected member.

      • Zoom in all levels: Zoom in All levels displays all descendant members below the selected member.

      • Zoom in bottom level: Zoom in Bottom level displays all descendant members of the selected member that have no children.

    • Zoom out iconZoom Out displays the member one level above the selected member.

  3. To focus your editing on specific rows or columns in the grid, select a row or column, and then choose from the following operations:
    • Keep Selected iconKeep Selected displays only the selected row or column on the grid.

    • Remove Selected icon: Remove Selected removes the selected row or column from the grid.

    • Freeze iconFreeze (for columns only) keeps the selected column and all columns to the left of the selected column stationary so the column or columns can't be scrolled. Only columns to the right of the frozen column can be scrolled. For example, you can freeze the first column that includes the member name so that you can scroll and edit that member's properties and still see the member name. To unfreeze columns, click Freeze once again.


    Alternatively, you can select these operations on the Actions menu. You can also view some of these options by right-clicking on a cell in the grid.