Using the Infolets Designer

Service Administrators use the Infolets Designer to create infolets and infolet pages. The Infolets Designer enables easy toggling between runtime and designer views. To access the Infolets Designer, launch the Infolets icon on the Home page and click Create, or click the Actions icon next to an infolets page in the listing, and then click Edit. Clicking the infolet name in the listing, launches the runtime version of the infolet page. You can toggle from runtime view to designer view by clicking Infolet Designer icon (Infolet Designer).

Infolets Designer

Infolets Designer

Infolets Toolbar

On the upper right is the Infolets Toolbar.

Add Infolet icon: Adds a new infolet to the Infolets Designer

Properties Panel Hide Unhide icon: Hides and unhides the Properties panel

Infolets Designer Actions icon: Click to perform these actions:

  • Reset: Resets the Infolets Designer to a previously saved state

  • Refresh: Refreshes the data from Essbase and updates the infolet definition from the database

  • Runtime: Hides all Infolets Designer elements and displays the infolet as it would appear to users during runtime

Infolet Designer Icon: From runtime mode, displays the Infolets Designer

Infolets Designer Palette

On the left is the Designer Palette. The Designer Palette has two tabs: Forms and Chart Types. Highlight objects in the Designer Palette and then drag and drop them onto the drop zone.

Infolets Designer Palette Tabs

Designer Palette objects:

  • Forms: Select forms to include in the infolet by scrolling through the forms or by searching for them by name. For details about forms, see Designing Forms for Infolets.


    The access permissions set for forms are honored in infolets.

  • Chart Types: Select the chart types to include in the infolet. Infolets display sample data in the charts until you associate the chart with a form as its data source. When you link a chart to a form, users can see the impact of changing data in the form on the associated charts. To associate a chart with a form, highlight a chart and drag and drop it onto the drop zone, in the Properties panel, click Sample, and then click Forms to select the data source. For details about charts, see Designing Charts for Infolets.

Infolet Menu

The infolet menu contains the infolet delete and clear actions. To view the infolet menu, hover over the upper right corner of the infolet, and then click the down arrow to display the menu options:

  • Delete: Removes the infolet from the page

  • Clear: Clears infolet details

Properties Panel

The properties panel on the right side of the Infolets Designer enables you view and work with these infolet properties:


The header you specify is the same for all views of an infolet, but you can specify a different subtitle for each view; for example, the front, back, and expanded views of an infolet can each have different subtitles, but they must have the same header.

  • Header

  • Subtitle

  • Size: Displays the infolet in the selected size

  • Chart Type: Displays the infolet data as the selected chart type

  • Data: Displays the associated data source (Sample or Form)

  • Form: Displays the selected infolet form

Actions such as delete and clear are on the infolet menu.

By default, the front view of an infolet is displayed in the properties panel. You can see the other views by selecting them from the drop-down. If you flip or expand an infolet to view the back or expanded views, the properties for those views display in the properties panel. In addition, the properties for the corresponding chart type are also displayed in the properties panel.