Using Tables in Dashboards

Tables in dashboards provide a list view of the data showing multiple values from a form or grid. You can embed mini-charts into each row of the table, called Spark Charts, which plot column data. Tables are also searchable. Note that currency symbols or currency codes are displayed in tables for multicurrency applications.

Example Dashboard Showing Plain Tables

Dashboard 2.0 showing plain tables

Example Dashboard Showing a Table With a Spark Chart

Dashboard 2.0 showing tables and a spark chart

Dashboard designers can set these table properties:

Table 11-9 Table Properties

Setting Description

Value Scale

Especially useful for large numbers, you can scale how a value is displayed. For example, if the value is 1,689,000 and you select K - Thousand as the scaling option, the table displays the value as 1,689K.

Your scaling options:

  • None: No scaling is applied.

  • Auto: The value is displayed based on its range. For example, 1,500 displays as 1.5K, 1,689,000 displays as 1.69M, 42,314,531,211 displays as 42.31B, and 1,234,567,891,234 displays as 1.23T.

  • K - Thousand: The value is displayed as thousands units. For example, 1,689,000 displays as 1689K.

  • M - Million: The value is displayed as millions units. For example, 123,456,789 displays as 123M.

  • B - Billion: The value is displayed as billions units. For example, 12,345,678,912 displays as 12B.

  • T - Trillion: The value is displayed as trillions units. For example, 1,234,567,891,234,567 displays as 1,234T.

Row Divider

Choose Show or Hide.


Specify size and color options for headers and data.

Spark Chart

  • Chart Type: Select Bar, Line, Area, and Line with Area with associated options. Or you can select None.

  • Header: Column header for the Spark Chart column

  • Starting Index: Column index where to start charting data

  • Ending Index: Column index where to stop charting data


Your Goal Watch This Video

See how to create a dashboard with multiple components in the Dashboard Designer for Dashboard 2.0. You create a dashboard with a table, a table with a spark chart, and a tile chart.

Video icon Creating Table, Spark, and Tile Charts in Dashboards 2.0