Viewing Approval Status by Phase

There are three seeded status forms to view the approval status information by phase:

  • Approval Status by Group

  • Approval Group Status

  • Data Status Form

Approval Status by Group

The Approval Status by Group form displays the approval status for each phase by period. If you have the same number of phases for all the periods, then each period will have an equal number of columns.

If you have different number of phases for different periods, then each period will contain the corresponding phases in the column. For example, if the monthly period contains only two phases, you will see two columns for these periods. If the quarterly periods such as March, June and September contain three phases, that you will see three columns for these quarterly periods. If at year-end closing period, you have four phases, then you will see four columns of status in December.

The Approval Status by Group form is only applicable when you select a scenario that has Phased Approval enabled for the entities within the Approval Unit Hierarchy. Otherwise, there will be no valid data displayed in the form.

Approval Group Status

The Approval Group Status form displays the Approval Group and the Approval Unit Hierarchy per data cell. This is a useful form if you need to know the approval group and AUH information for any particular multi-dimensional data cell. You can assign a different scenario, year, and period to the AUH. Therefore, it is possible for example, that the Cash account is in Approval Group1 for Actual/Jan 2020, but in Approval Group2 for Actual/Jan 2021.

Data Status Form

If you have defined an Approval Unit Hierarchy with the Phased Approval option for your application, you should modify your Data Status form to include the approval status for phased approval and calculation status (FCCS_Status_ConsolidateApprovalStatus).

For each period, if the approval status for all phases is the same, then the system will display the unique approval status (for example, Under Review). If each phase contains a separate approval status (for example, phase1 – Under Review, Phase 2- Not Started), then the system will display the text By Phase and you will need to open the Approval Status by Group form to view the separate status for each phase.