Viewing Non-Consolidation Jobs

The Non-Consolidation jobs such as Task Manager, Supplemental Data, and Enterprise Journal jobs page lists the jobs and lets you filter and view job details. You can:

  • View job details such as parameters, properties, and results.
  • View job summary statistics on the side panel.

Task Manager, Supplemental Data Manager, and Enterprise Journals jobs include additional execution sequencing routines to prevent conflicting batch jobs from running at the same time, ensuring application integrity. While the run time of individual job aren’t affected, their start times may be delayed due to the optimization sequencing.

To view the Jobs:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Jobs.
  2. Click on Non-Consolidation_Jobs_Icon Non-Consolidation Jobs in the left navigation.
  3. Optional: To search for a job, enter search criteria in the Search text box.
  4. Optional: In the Filter bar, select filter criteria:
    • Job ID
    • Name
    • Type
    • Source
    • Status: Pending, Running, Complete, and Error
    • Start Date
    • End Date
  5. Click Add_a_Filter to select additional filter criteria.


    To hide the filter bar, click Hide_Filter . To clear all filters, click to the right of the filter bar.
  6. Click View_Icon icon next to a job to view the Job Details such as Parameters, Properties, and Results.
    • Not all sections will be available for all jobs.
    • If the job is pending because it is waiting for other job(s) to complete, these will be listed under Properties. The start time of the currently running job is in parenthesis.
    • If the batch job was started manually (example, running a report), Scheduled Start Date shows the user initiated time. If it is a scheduled job (example, system maintenance), Scheduled Start Date shows the time it’s schedule to run.
  7. A new panel on the right-side contains the summary information for jobs. At the top of the summary panel, you can select the range of the tasks to be included in the summary:
    • Last 24 hours
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days Last 60 days (maximum time job information is stored before it's purged)

    The following information is displayed in the side panel for each Job Name for the specified Time Range:

    • Total Time: Total time of all executions of the job
    • Average Time: Average time across all job runs
    • Execution: Total number of executions


    If a job is highlighted in the main list, the job's name will be highlighted automatically in the Summary panel.

Task Manager Jobs

Job Name Description Execution
Email Notifications Generate email notifications for upcoming user actions. Scheduled
Generate Reports Generate report output from report definitions. On Demand
Import Reports Import custom report definitions. On Demand
LCM Export Export object definitions and data.


On Demand

LCM Import Import object definitions and data. On Demand
Schedule Monitor Set pending tasks to open when their start time is reached. Scheduled
System Maintenance Daily cleanup and optimization. Scheduled
Task Status Update Update event monitoring tasks. Scheduled
Delete Schedule Delete the specified schedule including all the tasks and their related information such as attachments. On Demand
Deploy Schedule Deploy tasks from one or more templates to a specified schedule. On Demand
Import Integrations Import external integration types and related data. On Demand
Import Tasks Import tasks and related data into specified template or schedule. On Demand

Supplemental Data Manager Jobs

Job Name Description Execution
Email Notifications Generate email notifications for upcoming user actions. Scheduled
Generate Reports Generate report output from report definitions. On Demand
Import Reports Import custom report definitions. On Demand
LCM Export Export object definitions and data.


On Demand

LCM Import Import object definitions and data. On Demand
Schedule Monitor Set pending tasks to open when their start time is reached. Scheduled
System Maintenance Daily cleanup and optimization. Scheduled
Task Status Update Update event monitoring tasks. Scheduled
Un-Deploy Forms Remove forms and journals from a data collection period based on a specified template. On Demand
Deploy Forms Deploy forms and journals from a template to a specified data collection period. On Demand
Import Collection Data Import data directly into a data collection period. This data doesn’t go through form collection. On Demand
Import Dimension Members Import members and their associated metadata into a specified dimension. On Demand
Import Form Data Import data into an existing form or journal. On Demand
Open DCP Set status of the data collection period to Open. This will also open the existing pending forms. On Demand
Process SDM Forms Open forms based on their effective start date. Scheduled

Enterprise Journals Jobs

Job Name Description Execution
Email Notifications Generate email notifications for upcoming user actions. Scheduled
Generate Reports Generate report output from report definitions. On Demand
Import Reports Import custom report definitions. On Demand
LCM Export Export object definitions and data.


On Demand

LCM Import Import object definitions and data. On Demand
Schedule Monitor Set pending tasks to open when their start time is reached. Scheduled
System Maintenance Daily cleanup and optimization. Scheduled
Task Status Update Update event monitoring tasks. Scheduled
Seed Data Load enterprise journal specific attributes (for example, Currency, Accounting Date, and so on) Scheduled
Un-Deploy Forms Remove forms and journals from a data collection period based on a specified template. On Demand
Deploy Forms Deploy forms and journals from a template to a specified data collection period. On Demand
Import Collection Data Import data directly into a data collection period. This data doesn’t go through form collection. On Demand
Import Dimension Members Import members and their associated metadata into a specified dimension. On Demand
Import Form Data Import data into an existing form or journal. On Demand
Open DCP Set status of the data collection period to Open. This will also open the existing pending forms. On Demand
Process SDM Forms Open forms based on their effective start date. Scheduled