Before you Begin

This 20-minute hands-on tutorial shows you how to specify a different scenario from which to source the Closing Balance data in the first period of each year.


When you consolidate data for the first period of a year, opening balances are copied from the last period closing balances of the prior year for the same scenario. Opening Balance Override rules enable you to specify a different source scenario from which to copy the prior year closing balances. For example, you could create a rule to copy the first period opening balances for the Forecast scenario from the prior year closing balances of the Actual scenario.

For entities that require translation, translated values are copied from the Parent Currency member of the prior year closing balances in the source scenario. If Ownership Management is enabled, the change in ownership percentage for the first period is calculated as the difference between the first period ownership percentage in the current scenario and the last period ownership percentage for the prior year in the source scenario. Opening balances for periods other than the first period are not affected by opening balance override rules.

What do you need?

An EPM Cloud Service instance allows you to deploy and use one of the supported business processes. To deploy another business process, you must request another EPM Enterprise Cloud Service instance or remove the current business process.

Defining the Opening Balance Carry Forward Rule

  1. From the Home Page, click Application, then Consolidation.
  2. Home Page
  3. Select the Consolidation:Process vertical tab. Then select the Opening Balance Carry Forward row on the Local Currency tab.
    Consolidation: Process
  4. ClickAdd Button (Add) to add an Override rule.
  5. Enter the following information:
    • In the OverrideName field, enter BudgetFromActual
    • In the Year field, enter or select one or more years from the Member Selector. If no year is selected, then the override applies to all years.
    • In the Current Scenario field, enter Budget
    • In the Source Scenario field, enter Actual
  6. Click Save.
  7. Save Button
  8. Review the system message that the rule was deployed successfully and click OK.
  9. Deploy Status

Managing Ownership

In this section, you recompute ownership.

  1. On the home page, click Application then Consolidation. Click the Manage Ownership tab.
    Manage Ownership Tab
  2. In the Point of View (POV), click Period. Use the Member Selector to select Dec and click OK. Then click Go Go.
  3. Member Select Dec
  4. Click the Actions drop-down and select Recompute Ownership Data.
  5. Actions Menu
  6. Recompute from January, so select the POV as Actual, FY18, Jan, and click Recompute. Then click OK.
  7. Recompute
  8. Click the Actions drop-down and select Copy Ownership Data to Next Year.
  9. Copy to next year
  10. View the system message and click OK.
  11. System message
  12. In the POV, click Scenario. Use the Member Selector to select Budget and click OK. Then click Go Go.
  13. member select budget
  14. Click the Actions drop-down and select Recompute Ownership Data.
  15. Repeat Step 4 by selecting the POV as Budget, FY18, Jan, and click Recompute. Then click OK.
  16. Click the Actions drop-down and select Copy Ownership Data to Next Year.
  17. Click home (Home).

Importing Data Files

In this section, you import exchange rates and data.

  1. Click Application, then Overview.
  2. Import the Exchange Rates using the file provided. Click the Actions drop-down and select Import Data.
    Actions Import Data
  3. Click Create.
    Import Data Create
  4. Enter the following selections:
    • Location = Local
    • File Type = Comma delimited
    • Import Mode = Merge
    • Accumulation Type = None
    • Source File = Click Browse and select RefApp_ScenarioCfwd_DataLoadFile_FXRates.csv
      Data Files
    • Date Format = MM-DD-YYYY
    • Import Data
  5. Verify your settings and click Import. View the system message, then click OK, then Close.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to import the data file.

Consolidating and Translating the Data

The last step is to consolidate and translate the data. Then review the data to verify that the rule worked correctly.

  1. From the Home Page, navigate to Data, then Reference_Application.
  2. Scroll down until you see the ScenarioCarryForward data form. Click to open.
    Open Data Form
  3. In the POV, set the Consolidation member to Entity Input. In the POV, click Consolidation to open the Member Selector. Select Entity Input. Click OK, then click Go. Form data should like the following:
    Current Form Data
  4. To Consolidate, select the Actions drop-down, then Consolidate.
    Actions, Consolidate
  5. Enter and verify the following member selections and click Launch:
      LE-0014-CAD -> Actual -> FY18 -> Dec
    Member Selection
  6. Repeat Step 4, with the following selections: Actual -> FY19 -> Feb.
  7. member selection 2
  8. Repeat Step 4, with the following selections: Budget -> FY18 -> Dec.
  9. Repeat Step 4, with the following selections: Budget -> FY19 -> Feb.

Translating the data

  1. To Translate, select the Actions drop-down, then Translate.
  2. Actions, Translate
  3. Enter the following selections and click Launch:
    • Enter Reporting Currency = BRL
    • Entity = LE-0014-CAD
    • Period = Dec
    • Scenario = Actual
    • Year = FY18
  4. Repeat Step 2 to translate the following POVs:
    • BRL -> Actual -> FY19 -> Feb
    • BRL -> Budget -> FY18 -> Dec
    • BRL -> Budget -> FY19 -> Feb
  5. Review for each of Entity Currency, Parent Currency and BRL reporting currency:
    • Budget -> FY19 -> Jan Opening Balance (equal to Actual – FY18 -> Dec Closing Balance) Scenario Carry Forward rule applied to first period in year
    • Budget -> FY19 -> Feb Opening Balance (equal to Budget – FY19 -> Jan Closing Balance) Scenario Carry Forward rule not applied to subsequent periods in year

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