Before you Begin

This 20-minute hands-on tutorial shows you how to create and post journals in an input currency rather than the entity currency.


By default, you input journal data to the Journal Input data source member, in the local currency of each entity. Optionally, you can create additional data source members that enable you to enter data in a single input currency for all entities in the journal. The data is then translated to the local currency of each entity during the consolidation process.

What Do You Need?

An EPM Cloud Service instance allows you to deploy and use one of the supported business processes. To deploy another business process, you must request another EPM Enterprise Cloud Service instance or remove the current business process.

Creating Data Source members

  1. From the Home Page, click Application, then Overview. Click Dimensions, then Data Source.
    Navigate to data source dimension
  2. Expand FCCS_Total Data Source, then expand TotalInputAndAdjusted.
    data source dimension member properties
  3. Click add child icon(Add Child), then click Apply.
  4. Add Child
  5. Create the following member with these properties:
    • Member Name: Total Journals
    • Source Currency Type: None
    • Source Data Type: None
    • Data Storage: Dynamic Calc
  6. Click Save.
    Total Journals
  7. Move FCCS_Journal Input under Total Journals by changing its Parent Member property from FCCS_TotalInputandAdjusted to Total Journals. Once you've updated the Parent Member, click Save.
  8. Place the cursor on Total Journals.
  9. Click Add Child.
  10. in the Number of members to add field, enter 3 and click Apply.
    Add Child
  11. Add the following three members under Total Journals:
  12. Member Name Source Data type Source Currency Type Data Storage
    DS_USD Journal USD Never Share
    DS_EUR Journal EUR Never Share
    DS_GBP Journal GBP Never Share
  13. Click Save.
    Added 3 members
  14. Click Cancel to close editing of the Data Source dimension.

Refreshing the Database

  1. Select Actions, then Refresh Database.
    Actions then Refresh Database
  2. Click Refresh Database.
    Refresh Database Button
  3. Click Refresh.
    Refresh Button
  4. When completed click Finish.
  5. Click Close, then click Cancel.

Importing ownership data

  1. From the Home Page, click Application, then Consolidation. Click the Manage Ownership tab if not already opened.
    Manage Ownership Tab
  2. Verify the Point of View (POV) is set to Total Geography, Actual Journal Entry, FY20, Jan. If not, update the member selections and clickGo(Go).
  3. Click Actions, then Import Ownership Data.
    Import Ownership Data
  4. Click Browse, then select the file Ownership Data ActualJE Jan FY20.csv. Then click Import.
    import ownership data
  5. When complete, click OK, then Close.
    Import Status OK

Importing translation rates

  1. Navigate to Application, then Overview.
    Application Overview
  2. Click Actions, then Import Data.
    Actions import data
  3. Click Create, then click Browse, and select the file Exchange Rates Jan - Mar FY20 ActualJE.csv.
    import data
  4. Click Import. When the Information Message appears click OK. Then click Close, and then Close again.
  5. Navigate to Application, then Jobs.
    application jobs
  6. Confirm that the import completed successfully.
    jobs import data
  7. Click home (Home).

Managing journals

  1. Click Application, then Manage Periods.
    Application Manage Periods
  2. Confirm the Periods for ActualJE, FY20, Jan, Feb and Mar are open. If not, click the Actions icon to open them.
    Manage Periods Open
  3. Click Home, then click Journals. Confirm the Manage Journals tab is open.
    manage journals tab

Importing a regular Journal Input Journal

  1. Click Actions, then Import.
    actions import
  2. Click Create.
  3. Click Browse and select the file JE_EC1 Journal.jlf. Click Import.
    Journal import
  4. Click OK, then click Close twice.
  5. Confirm the Journal was loaded to ActualJE, FY20, Jan.
    JE for January

Creating an Input Currency Adjustment journal

  1. Verify the Point of View is Actual Journal Entry, FY20, Jan.
  2. Click Create.
    create button
  3. Enter the following for the journal entry:
    • Label: JE_DS_EUR1
    • Type: Auto-Reversing
    • Data Source: DS_EUR
  4. After you enter the Data Source, click Create twice to create 2 line items. Proceed to the first journal line, click Actions, then Pick Members.
    pick members
  5. Use the Member Selector to enter the following:
    • POV Line Item 1: LE-0012-USD > Bank1 > FCCS_No Intercompany > FCCS_Mvmts_Cash > FCCS_Local GAAP > No Product
    • Line Item 1 Debit Value:100
  6. On the first line item, click Actions, then Copy Row.
    copy row
  7. Place the cursor on the 2nd row, then click Actions, Paste Row.
  8. Change Bank1 to Bank2, and change the 100 Debit to a 100 Credit.
  9. Verify the 2nd journal line has the following POV: LE-0012-USD > Bank2 > FCCS_No Intercompany > FCCS_Mvmts_Cash > FCCS_Local GAAP > No Product.
    Your journal entry should match the screenshot below:
    journal entry layout
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Actions, then Post, and then Post.
  12. Select Close. Confirm the Journal Entry Posted status.
    2 journal entries posted

Consolidating and translating data

  1. From the Home page, click Rules.
    Rules cluster
  2. Locate Consolidate, then click Launch.
    consolidate launch
  3. Set the POV to LE-0012-USD, ActualJE, Jan, FY20, then click Launch.
    consolidate with POV
  4. Click OK in the Information message. From the Rules page, locate Translate, then click Launch.
    translate launch
  5. Set the POV to LE-0012-USD, ActualJE, Jan, FY20, EUR_Reporting, and then click Launch.
    translate with POV
  6. Optional: From the Home Page, click Application, then Jobs, and confirm jobs completed successfully.
    application jobs

Reviewing translated data

  1. From the Home page, click Data, then Input Currency Adjustments, then ICA1.
    data entry ICA1
  2. Verify Jan is selected for the Period dimension. Verify that data has been reverse translated from EUR to Entity Currency within the DS_EUR data source member. The values you should see for DS_EUR are as follows:


    You may need to scroll to the right to see the data.
    • Entity Currency/FCCS_Mvmts_Cash - 75.0976269149895
    • EUR_Reporting/FCCS_Mvmts_Cash - 41.9420246320216
    • EUR_Reporting/FCCS_Mvmts_Subtotal - 41.9420246320216
    • EUR_Reporting/FCCS_Mvmts_FX_Movement - 58.0579753679784
    • EUR_Reporting/FCCS_ClosingBalance - 100
    data form results
  3. Click Close, and return to the Home page.

Processing a February journal

  1. Click Journals. Verify that the Manage Journals page is open.
    manage journals tab
  2. In the POV, change the Period to Feb, then click Go. Verify the POV is Actual Journal Entry, FY20, Feb.
    manage journals feb
  3. click Actions for the Journal JE_DS_EUR1 and click Post, then Post.
    journal post
  4. From the Home page, click Rules, then click Launch for the Consolidate Business Rule.
    consolidate launch Feb
  5. Set the POV to LE-0012-USD, ActualJE, Feb, FY20 and click Launch. At the Information message, click OK.
    consolidate feb
  6. Click Launch for the Translate Rule.
    Translate Launch
  7. Set the POV to LE-0012-USD, ActualJE, Feb, FY20, EUR_Reporting and click Launch.
    translate with POV
  8. At the Information message, click OK, then click Home.
  9. Optional: Click Application, then Jobs to confirm the job has completed successfully.
  10. From the Home page, click Data, then Input Currency Adjustments, then ICA1.
    ICA form
  11. Verify that Feb is selected for the Period dimension.
  12. Verify that the data has been reverse translated within the DS_EUR data source member. The values you should see for DS_EUR are as follows. Note that the reversal is only in the Input Currency (EUR) member.
    • Entity Currency/FCCS_Mvmts_Cash -68.8942473303479
    • EUR_Reporting/ FCCS_TotalOpeningBalance 100
    • EUR_Reporting/FCCS_Mvmts_Cash -107.247674819153
    • EUR_Reporting/FCCS_Mvmts_Subtotal -107.247674819153
    • EUR_Reporting/FCCS_Mvmts_FX_Opening 9.00420546710724
    • EUR_Reporting/FCCS_Mvmts_FX_Movement 7.24767481915261
    • EUR_Reporting/FCCS_ClosingBalance 9.00420546710725
    ICA form results

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