Submitting Ad Hoc Data and Saving the Grid Definition

You can update data in the cube by submitting changed data from ad hoc grids.


Formatting isn't supported in Web ad hoc and formatting within saved ad hoc grids from Oracle Smart View for Office native mode may not be persisted if opened in Web ad hoc.

Submit data options include:

  • Submit Data Only: Submits the data for the cells you've explicitly modified (made dirty) but not the grid design.

  • Submit Data Without Refresh: Submits all data cells that you have explicitly modified (made dirty) and those that were not modified. All data cells are marked dirty and submitted. After the submit operation is completed, the entire grid will be refreshed.

  • Submit Data Range: Submits only the cell data from selected cells. If there are dirty cells on the grid outside the range of the selected cells, the modified values aren't submitted and those cells will revert back to the value that was last stored.

To save the ad hoc grid, click Save Grid Definition.