Creating Alerts

You can create an alert from an object in Task Manager or Supplemental Data Manager such as a task, schedule, or form if you've access to it, or you can create it from the Alert List. You specify an Alert Type and other information, and the alert is created when you submit it from the Actions dialog box.

If needed, you can create alerts on alerts. For example, you can create sub-alerts for a "System Down" issue to work separately on network and power issues.

When you create an alert on an object, only Alert Types specific to that object, and generic Alert Types are available (for example, Basic Alert). When you create an alert directly from the Alert List, only generic Alert Types are available.

When you create an alert, it will initially be in Open with Owner status.


Alerts can remain in the Open status even if they're associated with locked objects (periods, schedules, and so on).

Here's the table that provides the Alers workflow.

Table 15-1 Alerts Workflow

Role Actions

Owner (user who initiated the alert)


Reopen (sends alert back to Owner)



Request Information (sends alert back to Owner)



Reject (sends alert back to Assignee)



Reject (sends alert back to Assignee)

To create an alert:

  1. Use one of these methods:
    • Navigate to the artifact (task or alert), open the artifact, and then click the Alerts tab.
    • For Schedules, edit the Schedule, and then click the Alerts tab.
    • For Supplemental Data Forms, edit the form, and then click the Alerts tab.
    • Raise a general alert from the Alert List, which is only associated with a year and period.
  2. Click New (+).
  3. Enter a unique Name for the alert, for example, Data Corrupted. You can enter a maximum of 80 characters.
  4. From Type, select an Alert Type from the list of administrator-defined Alert Types, for example, Data Issue.

    When you select an Alert Type, your alert will inherit any instructions, workflow users, attributes, questions, and viewers defined in that Alert Type.

    The Owner is the name of the user creating the Alert.

    The Assignee is the person responsible for resolving the alert. This may be a user, group, or team. The default assignee is inherited from the Alert Type.

    The Approver is also inherited from the Alert Type.

  5. From Year, select a year. If the alert is created from an object that already has a Year associated with it, this value can't be changed.
  6. From Period, select a period. If the alert is created from an object that already has a Period associated with it, this value can't be changed.
  7. For End Date, specify a due date for the alert. This is usually populated based on the object the alert was created on. You must set an End Date.
  8. From the Priority list, select a priority for the alert: High, Medium, or Low.

    For Instructions, the system displays any instructions that were included in the Alert Type. These are read-only.

    The Basic Alert does not have instructions.

  9. For Description, enter a description for the alert, for example "Data has been corrupted". You can enter a maximum of 255 characters.
  10. Optional: To add references to support the alert description:
    1. Click Attach a file, select and attach a file, and then click OK.
    2. Click Attach a link, enter a URL name, then enter the URL; for example: Oracle,, and then click OK.
  11. To create the alert, click OK.

    When you click OK in the Create Alert dialog box, the Alert Actions dialog box will open in the Open with Owner status. The Owner can then click Submit to change it to Open with Assignee status, or Close (X) the dialog box.