Defining Member Display Options

Click Available Items Icon (Available Items icon) to select whether to display members by alias or by member name, and whether to display the number of descendants for each member.

Select Members dialog box with the Available Items menu options displayed

In some places, additional options are available:

Available items menu with more options

You have the option to Show Invalid Members.

You can also show and select members using member relationships. When you click a member relationship option in the Available Items menu, the member or members are moved to the Selections pane. For more information about member relationships, see Member Relationships.

To toggle the display between the hierarchy view and the results of any search or filters, select Members or Search Results at the bottom left of the screen.

Select Members Dialog Box with the Hierarchy View Displayed

Select Members dialog box with the hierarchy view displayed

Select Members Dialog Box with Search Results Displayed

Select Members dialog box with the result of a search on the Children of All Entites displayed

In some places, you also have the option to toggle the display to show:

  • User Variables
  • Substitution Variables
  • Attributes


You can drag the splitter bar between the Select Members pane and the Selections pane to adjust how the dialog box displays.