Consolidation Journal Approval Workflow

During application creation, an administrator can enable a Consolidation Journal Workflow for creating, submitting and approving journals. When a journal is submitted, notifications are sent to users who have at least Read access to the entities in the journal and Write access to the parents.


You can enable or disable email notifications. See Setting Up Email for Notifications.

You can create journals if you are assigned the application role of Consolidation Journals - Create. You must also have access to all the entities in the template.

Table 9-5 Consolidation Journal Approval Workflow

Current Status Action Post-action Status Description
Working Submit Submitted After creating journals and entering journal data, the user completes it, then submits it for approval, or submits it directly.

After it is submitted, it cannot be edited.

Completed Complete Completed The creator of the journal with the Consolidation Journals - Create role selects the Complete action for a journal ready to be submitted.
Submitted Reject Working A user can reject a journal that has been submitted. The journal reverts to Working status.

Note that when a journal is in Submitted status, the user who submitted it cannot reject it.

Submitted Approve Approved

A user can approve the journal if they have the Consolidation Journals - Approve role.

Note that after a user rejects a journal, the same user cannot then approve it.

Approved Reject Working

An approver can reject an approved journal.

Note that when a journal is in Approved status, the user who approved it cannot reject it. Another user with the same access can reject the journal.

Approved Post Posted A user can post a journal after it is approved if they have the Consolidation Journals - Post role.
Post Unpost Approved A user can unpost a journal after it is posted, if they have the Consolidation Journals - Unpost role and if they have write access to the members in the journal. When you unpost a journal, its status changes to Approved.
Working Delete   A user can delete unposted journals that are no longer needed. You cannot delete Approved or Posted journals, because that would result in unresolved data for the adjustment values.

The constraints listed below will not be applicable if the user is a Service Administrator:

  • The Completed user cannot Submit the same journal

  • The Submitted user cannot Approve the same journal

  • Only the Submitted user can Post the same journal if it is Submitted without Complete action

  • Only the Completed user can Post the same journal if it is Completed and Submitted

  • A Completed journal cannot be rejected by the Completed user

  • A Submitted journal cannot be rejected by the Submitted user

  • An Approved journal cannot be rejected by the Approved user