Scanning Consolidation Journals

After you enter Consolidation journal data, you can scan the journal to verify that all entries are valid. The scan process enables you to identify errors and make any necessary changes before you submit or post the journal.

The system checks for these conditions:

  • The period is opened.

  • The entity is not locked.

  • Except for Entity, all other dimension members should be level zero descendants and should not have member formulas or be calculated.

  • The account must be valid. It must be an Asset, Liability, Equity, Revenue, Expense or Statistical account type.

  • Line items must exist for the journal.

  • If the journal type has Balanced as the balance type, the journal should be balanced. Entities should have the same parent and same currency.

  • The journal should have a valid status.

  • Security check: The user should have access to all the journal entry members in the journal.

To scan journals:

  1. On the Home page, click Consolidation Journals.
  2. Create or open a journal.
  3. From the Actions menu, click Scan.