Unposting Consolidation Journals

You can unpost a Consolidation journal after it is posted. For example, suppose you post several journals with adjustments to an entity, and you receive new data for that entity. You can unpost the journals, load the new data, and post the journals again.

To unpost a journal, you must be assigned the application role of Consolidation Journals - Un-Post, and have write access to the members in the journal. When the journal is unposted, notification emails are sent to the submitter/approver.

If you unpost an auto-reversing journal, the auto-reversing journal created in the next period should be deleted. If the auto-reversal journal in the next period is already posted, you cannot unpost the auto-reversing journal.

If email notifications have been set up, when the Unpost action is performed on a journal, the journal Approvers receive an email.

When you post or unpost multiple journals, they are processed in the background as a job, and a message displays "Job submitted successfully". Click OK, then navigate to the Job Console to see the job status. Click on the job name (Post Journal or Unpost Journal) to view the Job Details.

On the Manage Journals page, you need to manually refresh the page to see the latest status.

To unpost journals:

  1. On the Home page, click Consolidation Journals.
  2. From the list of journals, select the posted journal to unpost.

    You can also unpost a journal from the Journal Details page.

  3. Click the Actions icon Actions icon and then select Unpost.
  4. Optional: Enter a comment in Comments.
  5. Optional: To attach a document for more detail supporting the action performed, click Browse to browse to the location of the file. You can attach a document such as a text, Word or Excel file, PDF, audio, video or image file.
    Note: You can load a maximum of three attachments per journal action. The maximum size limit per attachment is 2 GB.

    To delete an attachment, click Delete (X) next to the file name.

  6. Click Unpost.