Viewing Consolidation Journals

The Consolidation Journals list displays the journal autonumber, label, description, journal type, balance type (if Unbalanced Journals is enabled), status, Data Source member, currency, and group, sorted by autonumber. You can select which columns to display, sort the list by column, or sort it by alphabetical ascending or descending order. Entity, Created By, Approved By, Posted By, Created Date, Approved Date, Posted Date columns are hidden. If you select to view the Entity column, the same journal displays multiple times for multiple-entity journals.

By default, journals also display the default currency at the end of the Entity name or alias.

The first column is the auto-numbering column. This is a system-generated sequence number created for a specific Scenario, Year, Period combination. The auto-number is assigned when a created journal is saved the first time.

You can filter the list of journals to display. This enables you to find journals based on selected criteria. You can filter the list by Label, Description, Group, Entity, User, Status, Data Source member, Currency, or Balance Type (if Unbalanced Journals is enabled). You can enter text filters, including the percent sign (%) as a wildcard, or leave a text box blank to avoid filtering on the text.

The journal actions that are available depend on the journal status and security. For example, if the journal has a status of Approved, the only actions available are Reject or Post. You can select one or more rows and perform a batch action using the icon above the column. If you select multiple rows and try to perform an action that does not apply to one or more rows in the selection, the system applies the action to the remaining rows and displays a warning for the rows for which the action is not applicable.

To view journals:

  1. On the Home page, click Consolidation Journals.

  2. From the Point of View, select Consolidation, Scenario, Year, Period, and View members.

To select journal columns to display on the list:

  1. On the Home page, click Consolidation Journals.

  2. From the journal list, click on the header Actions icon, click View, and then select the columns to display, or select Show All. To hide columns, de-select them.

  3. Optional: To change the column sort order, click the header icons and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending, or click on the column header and drag and drop it to the desired place.