Periodic, Year-to-Date, and Journal-to-Date Consolidation Journal Entries

Periodic Journal Entries

When you select the View member FCCS_Periodic, when the Consolidation journal entries are posted, the data entered to the line detail is summarized and posted to the Consol cube based on the line detail POV. The data from one posted journal entry does not overwrite the data written from other posted journal entries.

Year-to-Date Journal Entries

When you select the View member FCCS_YTD_Input, you can enter a year-to-date amount in the line detail debit / credit fields. A Year-to-Date Consolidation journal entry must contain year-to-date entries on all detail lines.

When Year-to-Date journal entries are posted, the appropriate periodic impact on the POV across the entries is calculated and then accumulated with any accumulation from posted Periodic journal entries

In the first period of any year, the year-to-date View data is the same as Periodic data.

In subsequent periods, the periodic calculated data posted to the Periodic View member for each unique POV equals the current period year-to-date entries accumulated across all Year-to-Date journal entries, minus the prior period year-to-date entries accumulated across all Year-to-Date journal entries.

Using a Flow account in a Year-to-Date journal will reverse the number in the next period. Balance accounts are not reversed.


The reversal will only be in the same year, and not cross years (for example December - January).

A Year-to-Date journal must be balanced by Flow Accounts and Balance Accounts separately.

FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input is not a valid Movement member for Year-to-Date journals. FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input must be posted via a Periodic journal to the current period.

Journal-to-Date Journal Entries

When you select the View member FCCS_YTD_Input, you can specify that the journal entries should be posted as Journal-to-Date. A Journal-to-Date journal entry must contain journal-to-date entries on all detail lines.

A Journal-to-Date journal entry carries forward from period to period, from the first instance of the journal entry, including a carry-forward across any intervening year-ends. The only difference between a Journal-to-Date entry and a Year-to-Date entry is that in the first period of each year, the data from Journal-to-Date entries in the last period of the prior year are reversed. For Year-to-Date entries, there are no reversals in the first period of any year.

Using a Flow account in a Journal-to-Date journal will reverse the number in the next period. Balance accounts are not reversed.

A Journal-to-Date journal must be balanced by Flow Accounts and Balance Accounts separately.

FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input is not a valid Movement member for Journal-to-Date journals. FCCS_ClosingBalance_Input must be posted via a Periodic journal to the current period.

Posting and Unposting of Journal Entries

When a Journal Entry is posted, the periodic data generated by the entry is added to the POV for the accumulation of the POV in each journal entry. If multiple journal entries contribute to a single POV, the data for that POV is adjusted only by the amount contributed from the journal entry being posted or unposted. Journals accumulate and do not over-write data contributed by other posted journal entries. When a journal entry is unposted, the summarized line detail is removed from the previously posted values.

When a Year-to-Date or Journal-to-Date journal entry is posted, both the current period posting and following period reversal posting must be accumulated to the POV. Similarly, when a Year-to-Date or Journal-to-Date journal entry is un-posted, both the current period and subsequent period data must be removed from the POV accumulated amounts.

Watch the following tutorial for more information on creating journal entries:

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Creating Year-To-Date Journals in Financial Consolidation and Close