Managing Folders and Reports

You can manage reports from the Reports card on the Home page and select how you want to view the lists of reports. Under Documents, you can access and maintain third-party documents used and generated with Books and Bursting. For example, MS Word and PDF documents inserted in Books and CSV files used in a bursting definition, along with PDF files generated by a bursting definition.

Reports and Documents are grouped in folders. When viewing the Reports and Documents listings you can:

  • Search by a report artifact or document
  • Filter by a folder. For report artifacts, you can filter by the type (Report, Snapshot, Book, Bursting Definition).
  • Switch between a folder tree view Reports Tree view or a flat list view Reports Flat List view

    Report designers can perform the following folder, report and document management tasks by clicking the Ellipsis icon for folders or for individual reports:

    • For folders:
      • Upload file (Documents only)
      • Create Folder
      • Delete
      • Rename
      • Move to
      • Assign Permissions
    • For reports, books and bursting definitions:
      • Open (reports and books only)
      • Edit
      • Rename
      • Copy As
      • Delete
      • Move to
      • Assign Permissions
    For documents:
    • Properties
    • Copy As
    • Delete
    • Move to
    • Assign Permissions

The Documents listing supports the following file types and extensions. The default file size limit is 5mb, except for PDF which supports 100mb.

  • Word (.DOC, .DOCX)
  • Excel (.XLS, .XLSX)
  • Comma Separated Values (.CSV)
  • PDF (.PDF)
  • Text (.TXT)
  • PowerPoint (.PPT, .PPTX)

To upload a third-party file in Documents:

  1. In the Documents listing, select a destination folder, then either:
    • Click Upload in the top right of the Documents panel.
    • Click the Ellipsis icon and select Upload File.
  2. In Upload File, select a file to upload from your local file system. Click OK. The file will be uploaded to the selected folder.

To download a third-party file in Documents, in the Documents listing, browse to the desired file location and click on the file name to download it.