Working with Dashboard 2.0 Components

Dashboards are made up of components. Each component contains a dashboard object such as a form, a cube, or another visualization (charts, tiles, and so on).

Dashboard Component Toolbar

Hover over a component on the dashboard to display the component toolbar Dashboard 2.0 hover icons. The hover toolbar enables you to perform actions on the component only.

Table 5-2 Dashboard Component Hover Toolbar

Object Description

information hover icon

Information: Displays the underlying form name, the path of the form, and the cube for the component.

save hover icon

Save: Saves changed data and runs rules associated with the component.

refresh hover icon

Refresh: Refreshes the data associated with the dashboard component.

chart type hover icon

Chart Type: Changes the visualization for the component.

actions hover icon

Perform the following Actions on the component:

  • Maximize: Enlarges the dashboard component. Once maximized, click Restore to minimize the dashboard component to its original size.

  • Open Form: Opens the runtime form associated with the component in a dynamic tab next to the current tab.

  • Edit Form: If you have the correct permissions, opens the form associated with the component in the forms editor. The forms editor opens in a dynamic tab next to the current tab.

Working with Component Objects in the Runtime Environment

  • Changes you make to the dashboard components in the runtime environment aren't saved for the next session. Changes are also not saved if you click the Show/Hide bar to hide the icon ribbon at the top of the page; the page refreshes and any changes you've made will not be saved.

  • By default, missing or suppressed data is plotted as zeros in graphs. You can change the Plot Missing Values as Zero setting to No to ignore missing or suppressed data in certain chart types so it's no longer plotted as zeros. The chart types to which this setting applies are Area, Bubble, Combination, Line, Radar, and Scatter. To reset the Plot Missing Values as Zero setting in the properties panel, click the tab for the type of chart (Area, Bubble, Combination, Line, Radar, or Scatter), then click Yes to toggle the setting to No.

  • Components default to displaying the form grid and the grids displayed are writable if the associated form is a Forms 2.0 form. To replace a grid with a chart, hover over the grid to display the hover icons in the upper-right corner of the component. Click chart type hover icon, and a menu of charts is displayed from which you can choose. Charts selected during runtime are not persisted when the runtime dashboard is closed.

  • If a URL added to a dashboard doesn't work in the runtime environment, right-click the URL and open the link in a new browser tab.

  • While in a dashboard, you can right-click inside a grid to view the grid's context menu:

    • Edit options: Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear

    • Adjust options:

      • Adjust Data: Increase or decrease the selected cell data by a positive or negative value, or a percentage value.

      • Grid Spread: Specify an amount or percentage by which to increase or decrease values across multiple dimensions, based on the existing values in the target cells. You can select Proportionally, Evenly, or Fill spread pattern. To use Spread, your administrator must enable Grid Spread as a form property.

    • Comments: Explain data or provide background, and attach external files. You can add comments and attachments to a cell or to a range of cells across multiple dimensions.

    • Change History: Displays the history of the changes made to the cell data.

    • Lock/Unlock Cells: Temporarily lock cells while you calculate and fill in other values. A lock icon displays on locked cells. To unlock the cells, click Lock/Unlock Cells again.

    • Analyze on Cell: Opens ad hoc in a dynamic tab.

    • Apply Context: Filters the data in the target forms or charts that is relevant to the data in a master form.

  • Line item details are supported only if the component is maximized. To maximize a component, hover over the component to display the hover icons in the upper-right corner of the component. Click actions hover icon, and then select Maximize to enlarge the dashboard component. After you're done working with the component, click Restore to minimize the dashboard component to its original size.

  • When you click Refresh Data either on a Tile or by clicking the global Refresh Data option, the Tile data will display after a "blink." The "blink" indicates that the refreshed data is populated.

  • When viewing a Table, parent members are highlighted to distinguish them from leaf-level members.