Disable or Enable Workflow Notifications

If you have BPM Workflow System Admin Role (BPMWorkflowAdmin), you can disable or enable email and in-app notifications for all users. For example, disable when testing changes to approval rules, to avoid sending test notifications. When done testing, reenable notifications.

When workflow tasks are assigned to users, they can get email notifications, as well as in-app notifications from a few places:

  • The Things to Finish section on the home page.
  • The notifications list in the global header.
  • The Notifications page, which users can open from either of the first two places to see all their in-app notifications.

Here are things to know about disabling workflow notifications:

  • You disable only email notifications that are sent as part of workflow tasks, not all emails in general.

  • Users can still find their workflow tasks in the Worklist: Notifications and Approvals work area.

Set the Notification Mode

Here's how you disable or enable workflow notifications:

  1. Click the Notifications icon in the global header.

  2. Click Show All.

  3. On the Notifications page, click the Worklist button.

  4. In BPM Worklist, click your user name and select Administration.

  5. On the Administration tab, open the Application Preferences page and go to the Notification section.

  6. Select a value from the Notification Mode list:

    • All: This is the default value.

      • Email notifications are enabled.

      • Workflow notifications are included in the global header, home page, and Notifications page.

    • None:

      • Email notifications are disabled.

      • Workflow notifications aren't included in the global header, home page, and Notifications page.

    • Email:

      • Email notifications are enabled.

      • New workflow notifications won't appear in the global header, home page, and Notifications page.

    • In-app:

      • Email notifications are no longer sent.

      • Workflow notifications in the global header, home page, and Notifications page are enabled.

  7. Click Save.