Manage Included Sections in Logs

Create and set profile options to include Rule Details, Audit Trail, Task Level Configuration and Transaction History sections in the diagnostic logs for any pending or failed transactions in the transaction details page in the Transaction Console work area.

If your users have access to these sections, they can download logs with audit trail history, rule details, and review the configuration and approval history for tasks that need attention.

  • Audit Trail section shows approval history.
  • Rule Details section shows rule details for a transaction. This section is dependent on the inclusion of the audit trail.
  • Task Level Configuration section shows details of current task configuration in BPM Worklist for the process type of the selected transaction.
  • The Transaction History section shows all the approval stages a transaction has passed through based on the approval rule configuration. This section is dependent on the inclusion of the audit trail.

The sections’ inclusion in the logs is controlled using two profile options. Let’s look at their use and impact on logging.

  • HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_RULE_AUDIT_TRAIL, a predefined profile option, disables the audit trail segment and rule details. If the audit trail is disabled, the task level configuration isn’t available and that section isn’t included. It also disables the Rule Details section. You might disable the audit trail and other sections in cases where there’s a performance issue.
  • HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_EXTN_LOG disables the Task Level Configuration section. You need to create this profile option to use it.

Depending on the existence and settings of the profile options, different sections are included in the log.

Transaction Console Work Area Logging Profile Options

Profile Option Profile Option Exists Profile Option Setting Sections Included or Not Included
HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_RULE_AUDIT_TRAIL No N/A Audit Trail, Rule Details, and Task Level Configuration sections included.
HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_RULE_AUDIT_TRAIL Yes False Audit Trail, Rule Details, and Task Level Configuration sections included. If HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_EXTN_LOG exists and is set to false or doesn’t exist, the Transaction History section is included.
HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_RULE_AUDIT_TRAIL Yes True Audit Trail, Rule Details, and Task Level Configuration sections not included. If HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_EXTN_LOG is set to false or doesn’t exist, the Transaction History section is included.
HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_RULE_AUDIT_TRAIL Yes Not set Audit Trail, Rule Details, and Task Level Configuration sections not included. Only the Transaction History section is included, if the HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_EXTN_LOG exists and is set to false or doesn’t exist.
HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_EXTN_LOG No N/A Audit Trail, Rule Details, and Task Level Configuration sections included.
HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_EXTN_LOG Yes True Task Level Configuration and Transaction History sections not included.
HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_EXTN_LOG Yes False If the HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_RULE_AUDIT_TRAIL profile option is set to False or doesn’t exist, Audit Trail, Rule Details, and Task Level Configuration, and Transaction History sections are included.

If the HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_RULE_AUDIT_TRAIL profile option is set to True, the Audit Trail, Rule Details, and Task Level Configuration sections aren’t included because they’re part of the audit trail segment, but the Transaction History section is included.

HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_EXTN_LOG Yes Not set Same as if set to False.

Create the Profile Option

Here's what you do:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Applications Core Profile Options task in the Application Extensions functional area for your offering.
  2. On the Manage Applications Core Profile Options page, click the New icon.
  3. On the Create Profile Option page, enter HRC_TXN_TAC_DISABLE_EXTN_LOG as the profile option code.
  4. Enter a display name that you can easily remember to help you find the profile option later, for example Disable Diagnostic Log.
  5. From the Application list, select Common Work Setup.
  6. From the Module list, select Application Common.
  7. Specify a start date.
  8. Click Save and Close.
  9. In the <Profile Option>: Profile Option Levels subsection, select the Enabled and Updatable check boxes for the Site level.
  10. Save your work.

Set the Profile Options

In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Applications Core Administrator Profile Values task in the Application Extensions functional area. Set your profile options at the Site level depending on what sections you want to include.