Cancel a Partner Contribution That Was Invoiced Through Scheduled Processes

Perform the following steps to cancel a partner contribution that was invoiced using the partner contribution processes:

  • In the partner contribution, enter cancellation details to be used in the credit memo.

  • Run processes to:

    • Prepare the creation of the credit memo for the partner contribution invoice.

    • Create the credit memo.

    • Update the partner contribution with the credit memo number.

Enter Cancellation Details

  1. In the Partner Contributions work area, click the stakeholder with the partner contribution that you want to cancel.
  2. On Edit Partner Contribution, from the Actions menu, select Cancel Contribution.
  3. On Cancel Partner Contribution, complete the following fields:
    • Transaction Date. Enter a date that you want to use as the transaction date for the credit memo. By default, the system date is used as the transaction date.
    • Transaction Reason. Enter a reason for canceling the partner contribution.
    • Cancel Date. Enter the date that you want to use as the cancellation date. By default, the system date is used as the cancel date.
  4. Click Submit and repeat the steps for all the partner contributions that you want to cancel.

On clicking Submit, the partner contribution status changes to Ready to Cancel and a record for the cancel transaction reference appears in the Transactions tab. In this stage, the Transaction Number field is blank and the transaction status is in Ready to Cancel.

The subsequent section describes how to run a process to send the cancellation details as well as the partner contribution invoice information to Receivables in preparation for the creation of the credit memo.

Prepare Partner Contribution Invoices for the Creation of Credit Memos

Run this process to prepare the partner contribution invoice for the creation of credit memo: Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions – Process Partner Contribution Transactions.

Note: Before you run this process, make sure that the AR_USE_INV_ACCT_FOR_CM_FLAG profile option is set up with at least one profile value. See Set Up Profile Option to Create Receivables Credit Memos.
  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions from the Quick Actions list.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Process Partner Contribution Transactions.

  3. Complete the following fields as needed:

    • Business Unit. Select a business unit to run this process for the joint ventures associated with that business unit.

      If you have multiple joint ventures managed under different business units, you can leave this blank to run the process for all your joint ventures.

    • Joint Venture. Select a joint venture, or you can leave this field blank to run this process over all joint ventures. The process selects only those joint ventures at an Active status.

    • Stakeholder. Select a stakeholder if you want to run this process for a particular stakeholder. Otherwise, you can leave this field blank.

    • Contribution Start Date. Enter a date to run this process over all the partner contributions that have this contribution start date. If you leave this field blank, the system date is used.

    • Accounting Date. Enter a date to use for the general ledger date in Oracle Receivables when joint venture credit memos are created for the selected partner contribution invoices. If you leave this field blank, the last day of the current open period will be used.

    • Transaction Date. Enter a date to override the transaction date that you specified in the Partner Contributions work area. This date will be assigned to the partner contribution credit memos. If you don’t enter a date in either this field or in the Partner Contributions work area, the system date will be used.

  4. Click Submit.

    The process includes only those partner contributions that are in the “Ready to Cancel” status.

  5. When the process completes, click OK in the confirmation.
  6. Click the log file in the Log and Output section to view the following information:
    • The count of partner contributions that were included for cancellation.

    • The count of partner contributions that were skipped by the process.

In the Edit Partner Contribution page, the status of the partner contributions that are included for cancellation changes to “Credit Memo in Progress.” The subsequent section describes how to create credit memos for partner contributions that are in this status.

Create the Credit Memo

An accounts receivable manager must run the Import AutoInvoice process to create the credit memo.

Note: Before you run this process, an application implementation consultant must configure the transaction source for joint venture invoice to populate the joint venture name in the credit memo header. See Populate the Joint Venture Name in Credit Memos.
  1. From the Navigator, select Tools, Scheduled Processes.

  2. Click Schedule New Process.

  3. On the Schedule New Process dialog box, select Job as the Type.

  4. In the Name field, enter Import AutoInvoice, press Enter, and then click OK.

  5. In the Basic Options section, complete the following required fields:

    • Business Unit. Select your joint venture business unit from the drop-down list. The process will create credit memos for the partner contribution invoices associated with this business unit.

    • Transaction Source. Search for and select "Oracle Joint Ventures" from the drop-down list. This is the provided transaction source for joint venture receivables invoice and credit memo. The process will select only those invoices that are associated with this transaction source.

    • Default Date. This is the accounting date to apply to credit memos. You can’t run this process without entering a date in this field. However, this date will be ignored for joint venture credit memos and the accounting date that was entered in the process to prepare partner contribution invoices for the creation of credit memos will be used instead. If you didn’t specify an accounting date in that process, the last day of the current open period will be used.

  6. Specify values in the other fields as needed to filter partner contributions that you want to process.

  7. Click Submit.

The partner contribution remains in the “Credit Memo in Progress” status even after you complete this process and the credit memo is created. Only when you run the process described in the subsequent section, the credit memo information from Receivables gets updated in the partner contribution and the partner contribution status changes to “Canceled.”

Update the Credit Memo Information in the Partner Contribution

Run this process to update the credit memo number in the partner contribution: Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions – Update Receivables Credit Memo Information in Contributions.

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions from the Quick Actions list.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Update Receivables Credit Memo Information in Contributions.

  3. Complete the following option as needed:

    • Process Contributions in Error. Select Yes if you want to process all partner contribution invoices, including those that have the status “Error.” This option enables you to update the credit memo details for partner contribution invoices that initially ran into errors but were resolved and credit memos were created.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Click the log file in the Log and Output section to view the following information:

    • The count of partner contributions that were updated with the credit memo details.

    • The count of partner contributions that weren't updated due to processing errors.