Review Closed Partner Contributions

In the Partner Contributions work area, enter Closed in the search to find all closed partner contributions. You can also sort on the Status column to see a list of partner contributions with the Closed status.

To review the details of a closed partner contribution, click the link in the Stakeholder column to access the Edit Partner Contribution page. This page includes the following details that indicate the partner contribution was closed:

Field Description

The partner contribution is in Closed status.

Open Amount

The open amount is zero.

Transaction Number

This is the transaction number of the invoce or journal entry used to closed the partner contribution.

If the transaction was created using the scheduled processes, you can click the transaction number link to view the details of the invoice or journal entry.

For an invoice, this link takes you to Payables and shows the following detail lines of the invoice:
  • A debit to the partner contribution account for the refund amount.

  • A credit to the agreement default charge account.

For a journal entry, the transaction number link takes you to the accounting header page in the Joint Venture Journals application. From this page, you can click the Review Subledger Journal link to view the following journal lines in Subledger Accounting:

  • A debit to the joint venture partner contribution account for the open amount.

  • A credit to the agreement default charge account.

  • A credit to a liability account for the refund amount.

Transaction Status The transaction status is Process Complete, indicating that the invoice or journal entry has been created.