Revenue Management - Customer Contracts Real Time


Real time information on customer contracts such as contracts and performance obligations. Also includes promised details such as standalone selling prices, allocated revenue amount, billed amount, revenue recognized, satisfaction plan, and accounting.

Business Questions

This subject area can answer the following business questions:

Job Roles

The following job roles secure access to this subject area:

Duty Roles

The following duty roles secure access to this subject area:

Primary Navigation

Home > Revenue Management

Time Reporting

This subject area supports customer contracts selling prices, revenue amount, billed amount, and revenue recognized history.

Time dimension is linked to Contract Transaction Period Name.

Transactional Grain

This subject area has four levels of data grain:

1) Customer Contracts

2) Performance Obligation

3) Promised Details

4) Revenue Distributions.

This subject area also supports the associated source document line level information.

Special Considerations

Customer Contract Real Time subject area supports four main fact groups: 1) Customer Contracts which includes metrics related to contract amounts 2) Performance Obligations which includes metrics related to Performance Obligation Amounts and Performance Obligation Standalone Selling Prices Amounts 3) Promised Details which includes metrics related to Promised Detail SSP Amounts and Promised Detail Line Amounts 4) Promised Detail Source Document which includes metrics related to Source Document Line Amounts, Line Reference Amounts, Billing Amounts, Revenue Distribution Amounts, Accounting Event Amounts, and Revenue Accounting Amounts. Each main and sub fact groups has its own associated dimensions. Some of these dimensions do not play with other fact groups. For example, Performance Obligation SSP Details is a dimension specific for Performance Obligations and not applicable for other fact groups. Similarly, Billing Information is a dimension specific to Billing Amounts metrics and not applicable for other fact groups. To avoid data join error, users should create reports using fact metrics with the corresponding dimension attributes. Combing metrics with unassociated dimension, for example selecting Promised Details metrics without Promised Details level attribute, or mixing Promised Details metrics with Billing Information, or mixing with Performance Obligation attribute without Performance Obligation metrics, etc. could result in a data join error.