Invoice Routing for Account Coding

Invoices requiring accounting information can be routed to the users for entering the distribution information. You can configure predefined assignment rules in the Invoice Account Coding workflows to manage the routing of invoices for entry of the distribution information.

When the invoice Account Coding process starts, a workflow builds the list of assignees based on the defined rules. Notifications are sent to the assignees through email and worklist notifications. User can enter the distribution information directly into the worklist notification and complete the assigned task.

Invoice Account Coding Flow

The following table describes the steps in the invoice routing process flow.



Enable the Invoice Account Coding workflow

Enable the invoice account coding option on the Manage Invoice Options page for a business unit. You can use the default account coding configuration or you can configure the rules to meet your business requirements. From the Manage Task Configuration for Financials task, navigate to the Account Coding Rules and Controls.

Enter invoices

Create invoices through importing, invoice imaging, spreadsheets, or manual entry.

Submit invoices for validation

Submit the invoice validation process using Batch validation. Invoices that are complete and require accounting information are automatically initiated for the account coding workflow.

Complete the account coding entry

Invoices that are assigned to users for account coding should enter the distribution information and perform the complete action.

Predefined Rules

The Invoice Account Coding workflow has the following predefine rule:

Assign all invoices having the AP_ACCOUNTS_ PAYABLE_ SUPERVISOR_JOB role.

Account Coding Actions

The following account coding actions are from the Manage Invoice and Edit Invoice pages.

  • Initiate: This starts the Account Coding workflow and routes the invoice to the assigned user. The Account Coding status on the invoice changes from Required to Initiate.

  • Withdraw: This cancels all pending workflow processes and open notifications. The Account Coding status on the invoice changes from Initiated to Withdrawn.

  • Force Complete: This can be used when you have to force the completion of an invoice. For example, if an invoice requires to be approved immediately use this to complete the process manually. This changes the Account Coding status to Manually Completed.

  • Resubmit: You can resubmit invoices for account coding when the status is one of the following:

  1. Returned

  2. Withdrawn

  3. Need Review

  4. Complete or Manually Completed and the validation status is Needs to Revalidate.