Types of Holds

Holds can prevent invoice payment, and in some cases, creation of accounting entries.

Holds can be applied automatically and manually. You can release some holds manually. Other holds require that you fix the exception condition before the hold can be released. You can use the predefined holds resolution workflow to route invoices with manually-releasable holds.

The different types of holds are as follows:

  • Invoice holds

  • Installment holds

  • Supplier site holds

  • System holds

Invoice Holds

You can define invoice holds on the Manage Holds and Release page or you can use predefined holds. If you place a manual hold on an invoice, you must release that hold manually.

Installment Holds

You can manually place an installment on hold to prevent payment. For example, a supplier sends you an invoice for two desks and delivers one desk. You can partially pay the invoice by splitting the installment and placing one installment on hold. You can release the installment hold after you receive the second desk.

Note: You can review installment holds on the Manage Installments page.

Supplier Site Holds

You can set supplier holds on the Invoicing tab on the Create and Edit Site pages.

This table describes each supplier site hold.



Manually Releasable?

Invoice amount limit

The invoice validation process places an Amount hold on the invoice. This happens if an invoice amount exceeds the specified limit,


All invoices

You can't select the supplier site for payment in a payment process request or in a Quick payment.

Note: You can view suppliers with this hold in the Supplier Sites on Payment Hold section on the Payments landing page.


Unmatched invoices

The invoice validation process places a Matching required hold on the invoice. This happens if an invoice isn't matched to a purchase order, receipt, or consumption advice.


Unvalidated invoices

The invoice validation process places a Supplier hold on invoices that are created after you enable this option. You can still pay invoices that were previously created and validated.


System Holds

The invoice validation process automatically applies system holds for exception conditions. For example, if the sum of the invoice distributions doesn't equal the invoice line amount, validation applies a distribution variance hold to the invoice.

You can't place system holds manually, and you can't release certain system holds manually. Instead, you must correct the exception condition by updating the invoice or purchase order, and then validating the invoice to release the hold. For example, to resolve a distribution variance hold, adjust the distribution amounts, and then validate the invoice.

Note: You can manually release system holds for matching exceptions.