Change Book for Mass Additions in New Queue

You want to change the book code of mass additions for the source books CHINA CORP and INDIA CORP in a NEW queue to the destination book code CANADA CORP.

Example URL

Here's an example of the resource URL:


cURL Command

curl -i -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/" -X POST -d <payload>

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format, using asset identifier:

   "OperationName": "processTransaction-changeMassAdditionsBook",

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:

   "OperationName": "processTransaction-changeMassAdditionsBook",
   "DocumentId": null,
   "DocumentContent": null,
   "FileName": null,
   "ContentType": null,
   "FileType": null,
   "DocumentAccount": null,
   "Comments": null,
   "ProcessName": null,
   "LoadRequestId": null,
   "JobPackageName": null,
   "JobDefName": null,
   "ReqstId": null,
   "RequestStatus": null,
   "JobName": null,
   "ParameterList": "{\"X_RETURN_STATUS\":\"S\",\"X_MSG_COUNT\":\"0\"}",
   "NotificationCode": null,
   "CallbackURL": null,
   "JobOptions": null,
   "StatusCode": null,
   "ESSParameters": null,
   "links":    [
         "rel": "self",
         "href": "",
         "name": "erpintegrations",
         "kind": "item"
         "rel": "canonical",
         "href": "",
         "name": "erpintegrations",
         "kind": "item"