Create an Unidentified Customer Receipt

You receive a payment from an external payment reference system, like a spreadsheet-based tool for payment upload, without any customer information. You want to create a receipt where the customer is unidentified.

Example URL

Here's an example of the resource URL:


Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format:

	"BusinessUnit":"Vision Operations",

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:

	  "StandardReceiptId" : 300100153164619,
	  "ReceiptNumber" : "SKR_Receipt_1012",
	  "BusinessUnit" : "Vision Operations",
	  "ReceiptMethod" : "Manual",
	  "ReceiptDate" : "2018-08-17",
	  "DocumentNumber" : null,
	  "Amount" : "451.23",
	  "Currency" : "USD",
	  "ConversionRateType" : null,
	  "ConversionDate" : null,
	  "ConversionRate" : null,
	  "State" : null,
	  "Status" : null,
	  "RemittanceBankName" : null,
	  "RemittanceBankBranch" : null,
	  "RemittanceBankAccountNumber" : "10271-17621-619",
	  "RemittanceBankDepositDate" : "2018-08-17",
	  "RemittanceBankAllowOverride" : "N",
	  "CustomerName" : null,
	  "TaxpayerIdentificationNumber" : null,
	  "CustomerSite" : null,
	  "CustomerAccountNumber" : null,
	  "CustomerBank" : null,
	  "CustomerBankBranch" : null,
	  "CustomerBankAccountNumber" : null,
	  "UnappliedAmount" : null,
	  "AccountedAmount" : null,
	  "AccountingDate" : "2018-08-17",
	  "MaturityDate" : "2018-08-17",
	  "PostmarkDate" : null,
	  "ReceiptAtRisk" : null,
	  "ReceivablesSpecialist" : null,
	  "Comments" : null,
	  "CreditCardTokenNumber" : null,
	  "CreditCardAuthorizationRequestIdentifier" : null,
	  "CardHolderFirstName" : null,
	  "CardHolderLastName" : null,
	  "CreditCardIssuerCode" : null,
	  "CreditCardExpirationDate" : null,
	  "VoiceAuthorizationCode" : null,
	  "CreatedBy" : "AR_MGR_OPERATIONS",	
	  "CreationDate" : "2018-08-17T04:08:39.001+00:00",
	  "LastUpdateDate" : "2018-08-17T04:08:39.194+00:00",
	  "LastUpdatedBy" : "AR_MGR_OPERATIONS",
	  "links" : [...]