Error Messages

There are error messages associated with business use cases for updating interface lines. These appear in the Receivables Transaction Interface Line REST API response.

Here are the error messages and action needed from you:

Business Use Case Sample Error Message Action Needed
Update the transaction type for other than project contract lines You can't update interface line 9200D5B93C14FCDDE04044987CF03D65. You can only update project contract lines using this REST service. Enter the project contract Interface line number for updating the transaction type.
Update the transaction type id for other than project contract lines You can't update interface line 9200D5B93C14FCDDE04044987CF03D65. You can only update project contract lines using this REST service. Enter the project contract Interface line number for updating the transaction type id.
Update the payment term name for other than project contract lines You can't update interface line 9200D5B93C14FCDDE04044987CF03D65. You can only update project contract lines using this REST service. Enter the project contract Interface line number for updating the payment term name.
Update the payment term id for other than project contract lines You can't update interface line 9200D5B93C14FCDDE04044987CF03D65. You can only update project contract lines using this REST service. Enter the project contract Interface line number for updating the payment term id.
Update the interface line status with some value You can't update the value of the status assigned to interface line {INTERFACE_LINE}. You can only reset the line status as unprocessed. Enter the interface line value as null.
Update the transaction type for the interface line coming from Distributed Order Orchestation (DOO). You can't update interface line {INTERFACE_LINE}. You can only update project contract lines using this REST service.

You can't update the transaction type and payment term attributes that are coming through DOO source.

The Auto Invoice Interface Lines REST API is provisioned with limited use cases as free update of attributes could cause data mismatch between the upstream and downstream products.