Export Financials Data without Using Callback

  1. Use the export bulk data operation to implement high volume data extraction and reporting solution. Call the ExportBulkData operation of ERP integrations REST resource to initiate the export.

    • ExportBulkData operation runs the reporting job and automatically submits an instance of "Upload Interface Error and Output Details to UCM" job that extracts, ZIPs, and uploads the output and logs to UCM.

    • The uploaded ZIP file name is always ExportBulkData_<JobName>_<RequestIdReceivedInExportBulkDataResponse>.zip which is uploaded to Attachment Security group.

  2. Design an integration to call the getDocumentIdsForFilePrefix operation in loop until a documentID is received.

  3. Use getDocumentForDocumentId operation to download the ZIP file by passing the documentID received.