Get Enterprise Structures Using REST API

This privilege allows access to LOV REST resources for various XLE, GL, and FUN intercompany setup related business objects for cross-pillar consumption.


Here are the resources you can access with this privilege:

  • accountCombinationsLOV
  • accountCombinationsShorthandAliasesLOV
  • accountingCalendarsLOV
  • accountingPeriodsLOV
  • accountingPeriodStatusLOV
  • chartOfAccountsFilters
  • chartOfAccountsLOV
  • currencyConversionTypesLOV
  • ledgersLOV
  • legalEntitiesLOV
  • legalJurisdictionsLOV
  • legalReportingUnitsLOV
  • preferredCurrenciesLOV