Import Financials Data

Use the ERP Integration REST API resource to import high-volume master or transaction data. You can run regular recurring imports of financial data across multiple products and transactional flows.

Use the import bulk data operation to deliver high-volume data across your organization. You can import data from on-premise or external business systems into Oracle ERP Cloud.

What type of data can you import? Here are some examples:

  • Daily supplier payables invoices from legacy and other external invoice feeder systems.
  • Recurring billing transactions that originate from on-premise or PaaS-based applications.
  • Claims generated from on-premise insurance claim processing applications, which require the creation of Payables invoices for remitting payments.
  • Journal entries from legacy applications.
Here's how you import data into Oracle ERP Cloud:
  1. Create the data file using the applicable inbound business object template.
  2. Call the ERP Integration REST API to initiate the import.
  3. Provide notification through asynchronous callback upon completion.
  4. Deliver the import status and information using callback to access logs or errors.
  5. Review any errors and take the appropriate action.

This flowchart shows you how data is imported:

The diagram outlines the automated data import process, which involves creating a data file, calling the ERP integration import service, receiving callback upon completion, and delivering the import information.

Import Supplier Payables Invoices

Let's consider this import scenario for your supplier invoices.

To start, run a POST action method for the importBulkData action.

Example URL

Here's an example of the resource URL:


Example Request

Here's an example of the request body:


Example Response

Here's an example of the response body:

  "OperationName" : "importBulkData",
  "DocumentId" : null,
  "FileName" : "",
  "ContentType" : "zip",
  "FileType" : null,
  "DocumentAccount" : null,
  "Comments" : null,
  "ProcessName" : null,
  "LoadRequestId" : null,
  "JobPackageName" : null,
  "JobDefName" : null,
  "ReqstId" : "316",
  "RequestStatus" : null,
  "JobName" : "oracle/apps/ess/financials/commonModules/shared/common/interfaceLoader,InterfaceLoaderController",
  "ParameterList" : "1,7584,N,N",
  "NotificationCode" : null,
  "CallbackURL" : null,
  "JobOptions" : null,
  "StatusCode" : null,
  "ESSParameters" : null,
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "self",
    "href" : "",
    "name" : "erpintegrations",
    "kind" : "item"
  }, {
    "rel" : "canonical",
    "href" : "",
    "name" : "erpintegrations",
    "kind" : "item"
  } ]