Update BIC field to Mandatory for Ireland Bank Account

For Ireland Bank Accounts, the BIC field is by default set to optional. You can use the Bank Account User Rules REST API to update the BIC field to mandatory.

You must have this privilege to use the Bank Account User Rules REST API:
  • Privilege Code: CE_MANAGE_BANK_PRIV


The following example shows how to update the BIC field to mandatory for Ireland Bank Account by submitting a PATCH request on the REST resource using cURL.

Example URL

Here's an example of the cURL:


cURL Command

curl -i -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d <payload> https://servername.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/fscmRestApi/resources/

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format:

"CountryCode": "IE",
"BankAccountFieldName": "BIC",
"DisplayFlag": "Y",
"RequiredFlag": "Y",
"PageName": "Expenses",
"SeededFlag": "N"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:

    "CountrySpecificUIRuleId": 300100176456144,
    "CountryCode": "IE",
    "BankAccountFieldName": "BIC",
    "RequiredFlag": true,
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://servername.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/fscmRestApi/resources/",
            "name": "bankAccountUserRules",
            "kind": "item",
            "properties": {
                             "changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
            "rel": "canonical",
            "href": "https://servername.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/fscmRestApi/resources/",
            "name": "bankAccountUserRules",
            "kind": "item"