Update a batch




Path Parameters
Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Attachments
Type: array
Title: Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view attachment information for a batch.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Action Logs
Type: array
Title: Action Logs
The journal action logs resource is used to view action logs for a journal.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Descriptive Flexfields
Type: array
Title: Descriptive Flexfields
The descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal batch that are captured using the Journal Batches descriptive flexfield.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Errors
Type: array
Title: Errors
The journal errors resource is used to view the errors for a journal.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Journal Headers
Type: array
Title: Journal Headers
The journal headers resource is used to view header information for a journal.
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-batchAttachment-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalActionLogs-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalBatchDFF-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Additional Information
    Maximum Length: 150
    The descriptive flexfield context name for the Journal Batches descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Additional Information
    The descriptive flexfield context display value for the Journal Batches descriptive flexfield.
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalErrors-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Batch
    Maximum Length: 100
    The name of the batch associated with the error.
  • Title: Error Message
    Maximum Length: 1000
    The error for the journal. A list of accepted values is available in the ERROR_MESSAGE column of the GL_JE_ERROR_CODES table.
  • Title: Error Message Name
    Maximum Length: 30
    The error message name for the journal. A list of accepted values is available in the ERROR_MESSAGE_NAME column of the GL_JE_ERROR_CODES table.
  • Title: Error Number
    The number for the error. A list of accepted values is available in the ERROR_NUM column of the GL_JE_ERROR_CODES table.
  • Title: Journal
    Maximum Length: 100
    The name of the journal associated with the error.
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Attachments
Type: array
Title: Attachments
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalDFF
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalGDF
Type: array
Show Source
  • Discriminator: __FLEX_Context
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"__FLEX_Context", "mapping":{ "FVxUSGLJournalHeaders":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFFVxUSGLJournalHeadersVO-item-patch-request", "JA_CN_SETTLE_METHOD":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJA__5FCN__5FSETTLE__5FMETHODVO-item-patch-request", "JL_BR_GLXJEENT_PCPCODE":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJL__5FBR__5FGLXJEENT__5FPCPCODEVO-item-patch-request", "JLxMXJournalHeaders":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJLxMXJournalHeadersVO-item-patch-request" } }
Nested Schema : journalLines
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalAttachment-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalDFF-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Additional Information
    Maximum Length: 150
    The descriptive flexfield context name for the Journals descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Additional Information
    The descriptive flexfield context display value for the Journals descriptive flexfield.
Nested Schema : Discriminator: __FLEX_Context
Type: object
Discriminator: __FLEX_Context

Discriminator Values

Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFFVxUSGLJournalHeadersVO-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Regional Information
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: FVxUSGLJournalHeaders
    The global descriptive flexfield context name for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Regional Information
    The global descriptive flexfield context display value for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: CTA Process Sequence
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJA__5FCN__5FSETTLE__5FMETHODVO-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Regional Information
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: JA_CN_SETTLE_METHOD
    The global descriptive flexfield context name for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Regional Information
    The global descriptive flexfield context display value for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Settlement Method
    Maximum Length: 150
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJL__5FBR__5FGLXJEENT__5FPCPCODEVO-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Regional Information
    Maximum Length: 30
    The global descriptive flexfield context name for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Regional Information
    The global descriptive flexfield context display value for the General Ledger Journal Regional Information descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Participant Code
    Maximum Length: 150
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJLxMXJournalHeadersVO-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalLines-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : capturedInformationDFF
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalLineDFF
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalLineGDF
Type: array
Show Source
  • Discriminator: __FLEX_Context
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"__FLEX_Context", "mapping":{ "FVxUSGLJournalLines":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFFVxUSGLJournalLinesVO-item-patch-request", "JL_BR_GLXJEENT_PCPCODE":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFJL__5FBR__5FGLXJEENT__5FPCPCODEVO-item-patch-request", "JLxMXJournalLines":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFJLxMXJournalLinesVO-item-patch-request" } }
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalLines-capturedInformationDFF-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Account Number
    Maximum Length: 150
    The descriptive flexfield context name for the Journals Captured Information descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Account Number
    The descriptive flexfield context display value for the Journals Captured Information descriptive flexfield.
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalLines-journalLineDFF-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Discriminator: __FLEX_Context
Type: object
Discriminator: __FLEX_Context

Discriminator Values

Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFFVxUSGLJournalLinesVO-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFJL__5FBR__5FGLXJEENT__5FPCPCODEVO-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Regional Information
    Maximum Length: 30
    The global descriptive flexfield context name for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Regional Information
    The global descriptive flexfield context display value for the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information descriptive flexfield.
  • Title: Participant Code
    Maximum Length: 150
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFJLxMXJournalLinesVO-item-patch-request
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : journalBatches-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Attachments
Type: array
Title: Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view attachment information for a batch.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Action Logs
Type: array
Title: Action Logs
The journal action logs resource is used to view action logs for a journal.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Descriptive Flexfields
Type: array
Title: Descriptive Flexfields
The descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal batch that are captured using the Journal Batches descriptive flexfield.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Errors
Type: array
Title: Errors
The journal errors resource is used to view the errors for a journal.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Journal Headers
Type: array
Title: Journal Headers
The journal headers resource is used to view header information for a journal.
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-batchAttachment-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalActionLogs-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Action
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 80
    The action taken on the journal batch. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ACTION_CODE.
  • Title: Event Date and Time
    The date when the action was recorded in the journal action log.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the journal action log.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the journal action log was created.
  • Title: Last Update Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the journal action log was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the journal action log.
  • Links
  • Title: User Name
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    The user who took the action on the journal batch.
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalBatchDFF-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalErrors-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Batch
    Maximum Length: 100
    The name of the batch associated with the error.
  • Title: Created By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the journal error.
  • Title: Creation Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the error for the journal was created.
  • Title: Error Message
    Maximum Length: 1000
    The error for the journal. A list of accepted values is available in the ERROR_MESSAGE column of the GL_JE_ERROR_CODES table.
  • Title: Error Message Name
    Maximum Length: 30
    The error message name for the journal. A list of accepted values is available in the ERROR_MESSAGE_NAME column of the GL_JE_ERROR_CODES table.
  • Title: Error Number
    The number for the error. A list of accepted values is available in the ERROR_NUM column of the GL_JE_ERROR_CODES table.
  • Title: Journal
    Maximum Length: 100
    The name of the journal associated with the error.
  • Title: Line Number
    The line number associated with the journal error.
  • Title: Last Update Date
    Read Only: true
    The date and time when the error for the journal was last updated.
  • Title: Last Updated By
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the journal error.
  • Links
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Attachments
Type: array
Title: Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view attachment information for a journal.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Descriptive Flexfields
Type: array
Title: Descriptive Flexfields
The descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal header that are captured using the Journals descriptive flexfield.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Global Descriptive Flexfields
Type: array
Title: Global Descriptive Flexfields
The global descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal that are captured using the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Show Source
  • Discriminator: __FLEX_Context
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"__FLEX_Context", "mapping":{ "FVxUSGLJournalHeaders":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFFVxUSGLJournalHeadersVO-item-response", "JA_CN_SETTLE_METHOD":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJA__5FCN__5FSETTLE__5FMETHODVO-item-response", "JL_BR_GLXJEENT_PCPCODE":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJL__5FBR__5FGLXJEENT__5FPCPCODEVO-item-response", "JLxMXJournalHeaders":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJLxMXJournalHeadersVO-item-response" } }
Nested Schema : Journal Lines
Type: array
Title: Journal Lines
The journal lines resource is used to view the journal lines for a batch.
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalAttachment-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalDFF-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Discriminator: __FLEX_Context
Type: object
Discriminator: __FLEX_Context

Discriminator Values

Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFFVxUSGLJournalHeadersVO-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJA__5FCN__5FSETTLE__5FMETHODVO-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJL__5FBR__5FGLXJEENT__5FPCPCODEVO-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalHeaderGdf_view_JournalHeaderGDFJLxMXJournalHeadersVO-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalLines-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Captured Information Descriptive Flexfields
Type: array
Title: Captured Information Descriptive Flexfields
The captured information descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal line that are captured using the Journals Captured Information descriptive flexfield.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Descriptive Flexfields
Type: array
Title: Descriptive Flexfields
The descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal line that are captured using the Journal Lines descriptive flexfield.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Global Descriptive Flexfields
Type: array
Title: Global Descriptive Flexfields
The global descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal line that are captured using the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
Show Source
  • Discriminator: __FLEX_Context
    Discriminator: { "propertyName":"__FLEX_Context", "mapping":{ "FVxUSGLJournalLines":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFFVxUSGLJournalLinesVO-item-response", "JL_BR_GLXJEENT_PCPCODE":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFJL__5FBR__5FGLXJEENT__5FPCPCODEVO-item-response", "JLxMXJournalLines":"#/components/schemas/oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFJLxMXJournalLinesVO-item-response" } }
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalLines-capturedInformationDFF-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : journalBatches-journalHeaders-journalLines-journalLineDFF-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Discriminator: __FLEX_Context
Type: object
Discriminator: __FLEX_Context

Discriminator Values

Match One Schema
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFFVxUSGLJournalLinesVO-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFJL__5FBR__5FGLXJEENT__5FPCPCODEVO-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : oracle_apps_flex_financials_generalLedger_journals_journalEntries_restModel_journalLineGdf_view_JournalLineGDFJLxMXJournalLinesVO-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
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The following example shows how to update a batch by submitting a PATCH request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl -i -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d <payload> https://servername.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/fscmRestApi/resources/

Example Request Payload

The following example shows the contents of the request body in JSON format:

	"ReversalFlag" : "Y", 
	"ReversalPeriod" : "May-19", 
	"ReversalDate" : "2019-05-20", 
	"ReversalMethodMeaning" : "Change sign" 

Example Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

    "JeBatchId": 1716076,
    "AccountedPeriodType": "MONTH6142622742",
    "DefaultPeriodName": "May-19",
    "BatchName": "RG 003",
    "Status": "P",
    "ControlTotal": null,
    "BatchDescription": null,
    "ErrorMessage": null,
    "PostedDate": "2019-04-25",
    "PostingRunId": 312998,
    "RequestId": 3520,
    "RunningTotalAccountedCr": 20,
    "RunningTotalAccountedDr": 20,
    "RunningTotalCr": 20,
    "RunningTotalDr": 20,
    "CreatedBy": "FINUSER12",
    "CreationDate": "2019-04-25T20:23:59+00:00",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2019-05-09T10:14:53+00:00",
    "LastUpdatedBy": "FINUSER1",
    "ActualFlagMeaning": "Actual",
    "ApprovalStatusMeaning": "Not required",
    "ApproverEmployeeName": null,
    "FundsStatusMeaning": "Not applicable",
    "ParentJeBatchName": null,
    "ChartOfAccountsName": "RG Ledger",
    "StatusMeaning": "Posted",
    "CompletionStatusMeaning": "Complete",
    "UserPeriodSetName": "RG Ledger",
    "UserJeSourceName": "AutoCopy",
    "ReversalDate": "2019-05-20",
    "ReversalPeriod": "May-19",
    "ReversalFlag": true,
    "ReversalMethodMeaning": "Change sign",
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://servername.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/fscmRestApi/resources/",
            "name": "journalBatches",
            "kind": "item",
            "properties": {
                             "changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000A78"
            "rel": "canonical",
            "href": "https://servername.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/fscmRestApi/resources/",
            "name": "journalBatches",
            "kind": "item"
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