Asset Accounting Manager (Job Role)

Manages fixed assets department and personnel. Monitors and performs asset transactions, maintains asset books and set ups in Oracle Fusion Assets, and views asset information and accounting entries.

Role Hierarchy

The Asset Accounting Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Asset Accounting Manager
    • Download data for Assets Export

    • Financials Folder Reporting

    • Fixed Asset Administration

    • Fixed Asset Business Intelligence Management

    • Fixed Asset Details Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Fixed Asset Inquiry
      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • Payables Invoice Inquiry

    • Fixed Asset Reporting

    • Fixed Asset Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Fixed Asset Transaction Management
      • Customer Account Inquiry

      • FSCM Load Interface Administration

    • Fixed Depreciation Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Functional Setups

    • Import Fixed Asset

    • Subledger Accounting Manager
      • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Customer Account Inquiry

    • Subledger Accounting Reporting
      • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Customer Account Inquiry

    • Subledger Accounting Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Upload data for Assets Import


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Asset Accounting Manager job role.

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Authoring

An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Download data for Assets Export

Allows to download data exported from assets related data.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Financials Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Financials web catalog folder.

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Fixed Asset Business Intelligence Management

Manages access to Fixed Assets OBIA Dashboard

Fixed Asset Details Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Fixed Asset Details transactional information

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Fixed Asset Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Fixed Asset transactional information

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Fixed Depreciation Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Fixed Depreciation transactional information

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Import Fixed Asset

Allows access to import assets.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Subledger Accounting Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Subledger Accounting transactional information.

Transactional Analysis

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users.

Upload data for Assets Import

Allows to upload data file to import fixed assets.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Asset Accounting Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Export Customer Account

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Export Customer Account Relationship

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Customer Account Relationships

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Customer Account Site

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Address

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

Search Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Information

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Relationship

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Relationships

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Site

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Customer Account Site Use

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Location of Final Discharge

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Identifier

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Additional Name

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Address

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Address Use

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Classification Code Assignment

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Point

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Contact Preference

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Source System Mapping

Customer Account Inquiry

View customer account details.

View Trading Community Organization Usage Assignment

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage All Application Profile Values

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Application Descriptive Flexfield

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Application Extensible Flexfield

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Application Flexfield Value Set

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Application Key Flexfield

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Financial Application Lookups

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Bonus Rule

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Calendar

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Cash Generating Unit

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Category

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Ceiling

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Depreciation Method

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Distribution Set

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Fiscal Year

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Key

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Location

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Price Index

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset Prorate Convention

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Asset System Control

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage Fixed Assets Configuration in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Manage My Application Profile Values

Fixed Asset Administration

Configures and maintains setups for Oracle Fusion Assets.

Upgrade Asset Transactions to Reporting Currency

Fixed Asset Business Intelligence Management

Manages access to Fixed Assets OBIA Dashboard

Manage Fixed Asset Business Intelligence

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Inquire Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Inquire Fixed Asset Transaction

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Manage Fixed Asset Tracking

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

Submit Fixed Asset Trace Report

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

View Fixed Asset Books

Fixed Asset Inquiry

Views asset information, transaction details, and accounting entries.

View Project Asset Details

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Prepare Asset Register

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Delete Mass Additions Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Additions Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Additions by Source Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset CIP Capitalization Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset CIP Detail Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset CIP Summary Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Change Category Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Adjustment Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Adjustments by Source Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Clearing Reconciliation Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Detail Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Cost Summary Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Hypothetical What If Depreciation Analysis Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Impairment Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Journal Entry Reserve Ledger

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Lease Reports

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Mass Additions Create Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Property Tax Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Reserve Detail Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Reserve Summary Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Retirements Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Revaluation Reserve Detail Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Revaluation Reserve Summary Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Tax Reports for Japan

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Tax Reports for United States

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Transaction History Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset Transfers Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Asset What If Depreciation Analysis Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Fixed Assets by Cash Generating Unit Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Group Fixed Asset Detail Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Group Fixed Asset Listing

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Group Fixed Asset Summary Report

Fixed Asset Reporting

Manages Fixed Assets reporting.

Submit Mass Additions Posting Report

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Add Cost Source Line to Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Add Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Adjust Fixed Asset Retirement

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Adjust Fixed Asset Unit

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Calculate Fixed Asset Deferred Depreciation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Calculate Fixed Asset Depreciation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Capitalize CIP Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Change Fixed Asset Category

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Change Fixed Asset Descriptive Detail

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Change Fixed Asset Financial Information

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Change Group Fixed Asset Association

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Compare Fixed Asset Physical Inventory

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Fixed Asset Mass Source Line Transfer

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Fixed Asset Mass Unplanned Depreciation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Fixed Asset Revaluation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Fixed Asset Unplanned Depreciation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Change Fixed Asset Depreciation Rules

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Category Change

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Resume Depreciation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Retirement

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Suspend Depreciation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Fixed Asset Transfer

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create Mass Group Fixed Asset Change

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Create and Update Fixed Asset Impairment

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Delete Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Delete Mass Additions

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Import Fixed Asset Leases

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Additions

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Assignments

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Cost and Depreciation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Financial Transactions

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Leases

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Maintenance Order Data

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Retirements

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Tracking

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Manage Fixed Asset Transactions Activities

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Merge Fixed Asset Cost Source Line

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Modify Fixed Asset Cost Source Line

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Populate Fixed Asset ACE Information

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Fixed Asset Online Transactions

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Mass Additions

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Mass Fixed Asset Assignment

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Mass Fixed Asset Financial Transactions

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Post Mass Fixed Asset Retirement

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Category Change in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Change Depreciation Rules in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Cost Source Lines

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Depreciation Override

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Group Asset Change in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Physical Inventory in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Reinstatement

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Resume Depreciation in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Retirement in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Revaluation in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Suspend Depreciation in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Fixed Asset Units of Production

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Mass Additions Automatically

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Prepare Mass Fixed Asset Assignment in Spreadsheet

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Process Fixed Asset Impairment

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Process Fixed Asset Revaluation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Reinstate Fixed Asset Retirement

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Reinstate Mass Fixed Asset Retirement

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Retire Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Fixed Asset Impairment

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Fixed Asset Revaluation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Mass Fixed Asset Financial Transactions

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Mass Fixed Asset Retirement

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Search Mass Fixed Asset Transfer

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Select Assets for Fixed Asset Mass Transactions

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Split Fixed Asset Cost Source Line

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Accounting

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Initial Mass Copy to Tax Book

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Journal Entry Reserve Ledger

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Periodic Mass Copy to Tax Book

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset Tax Reports for Japan

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Fixed Asset What if Depreciation Analysis

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Submit Mass Additions Creation Program

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Suspend Fixed Asset Depreciation

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Transfer Fixed Asset

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Transfer Fixed Asset Reserve

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Transfer Fixed Asset to Another Asset Book

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Update Fixed Asset ACE Book

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Update Fixed Asset Cost Source Line

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Upload Fixed Asset Units of Production

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Validate Fixed Asset Depreciation Override

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

Validate Fixed Asset Units of Production

Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Manages asset acquisitions, asset financial information, depreciation rules, asset capitalization, calculates depreciation, copies transactions to tax books, asset transfers, unit adjustments, asset descriptive information, asset retirements and reinstates erroneous retirements.

View Project Asset Details

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Manage Payables Invoices

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

View Payables Invoice

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Create Subledger Journal Entry Batch

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Create Subledger Journal Entry Online

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Create Subledger Journal Entry for Third Party Merge

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Create Subledger Multiperiod and Accrual Reversal Entry

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Manage Subledger Journal Entry Manually

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Override Subledger Journal Entry

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Post Journal

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Post Subledger Journal Entry to General Ledger

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Purge Accounting Event Diagnostic Data

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Review Subledger Journal Entry

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Journals and Third Party Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Subledger Detail Journal Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Third Party Account Balance Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Third Party Balances Summary Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Global Third Party Detail and Balances Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Run Import Journals By Program Call

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Account Analysis Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Accounting Event Diagnostic Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Journal Entries Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Third Party Balances Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Submit Trading Partner Summary Report

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Transfer Online Journal Entry to General Ledger

Subledger Accounting Manager

Creates accounting for transactions, reviews journal entries, and runs account analysis, journal entries, and period close exceptions reports.

Update Subledger Accounting Balance

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Create Journal Entries Reporting Sequence Number

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Review Subledger Journal Entry

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Account Analysis Report

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Journal Entries Report

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Subledger Period Close Exceptions Report

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Third Party Balances Report

Subledger Accounting Reporting

Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.

Submit Trading Partner Summary Report

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Asset Accounting Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Fixed Asset

An Asset Accounting Manager can add fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Add Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

An Asset Accounting Manager can change fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Change Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

An Asset Accounting Manager can retire fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Retire Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

An Asset Accounting Manager can submit fixed assets reports in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: Submit Fixed Assets Reports

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

An Asset Accounting Manager can submit fixed assets reports in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Reporting

Privilege: Submit Fixed Assets Reports

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

An Asset Accounting Manager can submit fixed assets reports in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Submit Fixed Assets Reports

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

An Asset Accounting Manager can track fixed asset in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Track Fixed Asset (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset

An Asset Accounting Manager can transfer fixed asset to another book to the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: Transfer Fixed Asset to Another Book (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset Bonus Rule

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset bonus rule for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Bonus Rule (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Fixed Asset Book

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset book in the asset books that they are authorized to access

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Book (Data)

Resource: Fixed Asset Book

Fixed Asset Ceiling

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset ceiling for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Ceiling (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Fixed Asset Depreciation Method

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset depreciation method for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Depreciation Method (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set

Fixed Asset Prorate Convention

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage fixed asset prorate convention for the reference data sets they administer

Role: Fixed Asset Administration

Privilege: Manage Fixed Asset Prorate Convention (Data)

Resource: Reference Data Set


An Asset Accounting Manager can manage ledger for subledger for the posting ledgers for transactions that they are authorized.

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Ledger for Subledger (Data)

Resource: Ledger


An Asset Accounting Manager can manage ledger for subledger for the posting ledgers for transactions that they are authorized.

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Ledger for Subledger (Data)

Resource: Ledger

Party Tax Profile

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage business unit party tax profile for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Business Unit Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Public Person

A Asset Accounting Manager can choose public person for all workers in the enterprise

Role: Asset Accounting Manager

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

An Asset Accounting Manager can report public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Subledger Accounting Balance

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage subledger accounting balance for the subsidiaries or management segment values whose account balance they manage

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Subledger Accounting Balance (Data)

Resource: Subledger Accounting Balance

Subledger Accounting Balance

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage subledger accounting balance for the subsidiaries or management segment values whose account balance they manage

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Subledger Accounting Balance (Data)

Resource: Subledger Accounting Balance

Subledger Application

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage subledger application for the owning oracle fusion accounting generating subledger application.

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Subledger Application (Data)

Resource: Subledger Application

Subledger Application

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage subledger application for the owning oracle fusion accounting generating subledger application.

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Subledger Application (Data)

Resource: Subledger Application

Subledger Journal Entry

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage subledger source transaction for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are authorized

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Subledger Source Transaction (Data)

Resource: Subledger Journal Entry

Subledger Journal Entry

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage subledger source transaction for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are authorized

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Subledger Source Transaction (Data)

Resource: Subledger Journal Entry

Subledger Source Transaction

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage subledger source transaction for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are authorized

Role: Subledger Accounting Manager

Privilege: Manage Subledger Source Transaction (Data)

Resource: Subledger Source Transaction

Subledger Source Transaction

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage subledger source transaction for the business units, cost organizations, asset books or legislative data groups, and the subledger applications for which they are authorized

Role: Subledger Accounting Reporting

Privilege: Manage Subledger Source Transaction (Data)

Resource: Subledger Source Transaction

Tax Exemption

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage tax exemption for the tax setup applicable to the business units for which they are responsible

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Exemption (Data)

Resource: Business Unit

Trading Community Customer Account

An Asset Accounting Manager can view customer account for all customer accounts in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account

Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

An Asset Accounting Manager can view customer account relationship for all customer account relationships in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Relationship

Trading Community Customer Account Site

An Asset Accounting Manager can view customer account site for all customer account sites in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account Site (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site

Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

An Asset Accounting Manager can view customer account site use for all customer account site uses in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Customer Account Site Use (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Customer Account Site Use

Trading Community Organization Party

An Asset Accounting Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

An Asset Accounting Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

An Asset Accounting Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

An Asset Accounting Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Party

An Asset Accounting Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Asset Accounting Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Asset Accounting Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Fixed Asset Transaction Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Asset Accounting Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Relationship

An Asset Accounting Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship


This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Asset Accounting Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Profile

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage party tax profile taxpayer identifier for organizations of type individual party tax profile taxpayer identifier defined in the enterprise.

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile Taxpayer Identifier (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Tax Registration

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage tax registration for any tax registration defined in the enterprise

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Resource: Tax Registration

Withholding Party Tax Profile

An Asset Accounting Manager can manage party tax profile taxpayer identifier for organizations of type individual party tax profile taxpayer identifier defined in the enterprise.

Role: Customer Account Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile Taxpayer Identifier (Data)

Resource: Withholding Party Tax Profile